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Revision 18 as of 2009-12-02 07:45:59

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Initial setup

root: /var/tmp/archive
base_url: # <- this

root: /var/tmp/builddmaster/
uploader: scripts/ -Mvv --context buildd # <- and this

  LogLevel debug
  DocumentRoot /var/tmp/archive
  <Directory /var/tmp/archive/>
   Order Deny,Allow
   Deny from all
   Allow from
   Options Indexes

Configure an account and PPA

Set up the PPA

deb %(series)s main restricted universe multiverse

Configure a buildd

Please note a "builder" and a "chroot" are not the same thing, nor are they "associated" in any way. The logic is as follows:

Upload a source to the PPA

fqdn =
method = ftp
incoming = %(lpdev)s
login = anonymous

Dealing with the primary archive


MTA needed

You need to have some sort of MTA (e.g. postfix) running in order for the email to be placed in the root's mailbox. In cases where you have Launchpad running in a chroot you'll need to stop the "normal" MTA and start it in the chroot or configure the one in the chroot to use a different port.

Gpg CRC errors

Run gpg like this "gpg --ignore-crc-error -d <file>" in case you see the following error message while decrypting the email sent by launchpad:

gpg: malformed CRC
gpg: quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used