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Bug Activity Log Completion

Existing work

mpt already did some work on mocking up the UI for interleaving activity log with bug comments back in the distant past. The mockups can be found here. We're probably going to do some new mockups using the new Launchpad UI, but we'll keep these around for reference for the time being.

Altering the way BugActivity and BugNotification get updated

kiko has suggested that we alter the way that changes get made to bugs. At the moment, a change made to a bug will trigger an Event, which will then be processed by a handler. The handler will then call IBug.addChangeNotification() or IBug.addCommentNotification() depending on the type of Event that it's handling.

kiko's suggestion is that we alter this as follows:

Bugs to fix

Preparatory work:

Sorted by priority. Taken from bugs on malone tagged 'bughistory'.

Potential future work:

Changes to subscribers/

Currently unmonitored bug activity



Overview of all current bug activity monitoring



VersionThreeDotO/Bugs/CompleteActivityLog (last edited 2009-02-02 17:26:45 by allenap)