= 10.03 = Goals for 10.03 included (this is preserved for historical reasons): * Reliable bug syncing * Make checkwatches use twisted [DONE] * checkwatches as jobs system tool [DECLINED] * Fix all OOPS when updating bugs [IN PROGRESS] * Less noise, better error handling for debugging [DONE] * QA system in place for bug syncing [IN PROGRESS] * Drive to near 0 on [[https://lpstats.canonical.com/graphs/BugWatchUncheckedOutdated/|unchecked or outdated graph]] * [DONE, except for gnome-bugs, stat query needs updating] * Better bug subscriptions and notifications * Finish [[LEP/BetterBugSubscriptionsAndNotifications|LEP for the feature]] [IN PROGRESS] * Compile bug list and story tag * Fix the low-hanging fruit, easy to hit bugs in the story * We didn't move this forward beyond LEP stage * Finish remaining actions from UDS [FAIL] * Remove subscriptions to all ubuntu bugs, disable thereafter * Set next expectations after filing bug (better text after bug report) * Re-enable expiring of bugs with an EXPIRED status ''We didn't move the second two items forward as much because we were still doing polish on patches and bug heat besides normal bug fixing.''