= Loggerhead for LP developers = [[https://launchpad.net/loggerhead/|Loggerhead]] is a web-based [[https://bazaar.canonical.com|bazaar]] code browser. == Landing on trunk == Landing on trunk is done directly by committing and pushing to lp:loggerhead, but make sure you: 1. get a review first 2. run the test suite before committing your changes (and see that it passes) Launchpad uses the loggerhead trunk branch for deployment. == Landing changes for Launchpad == Update `utilities/sourcedeps.conf` in the LP tree to make Launchpad actually use the newly landed revision. == QA == After changes land and pass through buildbot, they will soon be available on https://bazaar.staging.launchpad.net and https://bazaar.qastaging.launchpad.net. (do note that only the bzr projects branches are backed with the real bzr data on staging and qastaging — for testing other branches, push your stuff using `bzr push lp://staging/~you/+junk/blah`) == Deployment == Codebrowse changes are deployed by launchpads regular 'nodowntime' deployment process.