Launchpad entry:
Created: 2006-05-25 by MatthewPaulThomas
Contributors: MatthewPaulThomas
Launchpad should support two subsets of MoinMoin markup: a simple subset for use in descriptions of things, and a larger subset for use in specifications.
#49747: Translator groups: allow minimal formatting of summary. "Not being able to add links, newlines or anything is quite limiting, and makes some of our descriptions look quite bad."
#392123: Allow Markup in PPA Descriptions. "This might make it easier for maintainers to explain things to users."
Use cases
- Descriptions of people, teams, products, projects, distributions, and distribution releases.
- Specifications.
Compare: HelpOnEditing
There should be two markup modes: one for specifications ("advanced"), and one for everything else ("simple"). This is because specifications can expect to have most of a page to themselves, and often need to explain complex ideas using tables and images; these are needed much less by anything else (except maybe bug reports).
Compare: HelpOnFormatting
For simple mode:
''two consecutive single quotes'' for italics
`backticks` or {{{three consecutive parentheses}}} on a single line, for inline monospace text
A new line also ends any of these.
For advanced mode, all that plus:
'''three consecutive single quotes''' for bold
__two consecutive underscores__ for underlining (e.g. simulating links or form fields)
three consecutive parentheses,`<<BR>> `opening and closing on separate lines
`, for
preformatted text
Not supported:
- superscript, subscript
- colorized code displays
Compare: HelpOnLinking
For simple mode:
auto-linked URLs with protocols apt:, http:, https:, ftp:, nntp:, news:, mailto:, telnet:, and file:, ended by a space, a quote character, or a square bracket
a "[" character, followed by an URL, any non-newline whitespace, some text, and a "]" or a new line, to link that text to that URL
For advanced mode, all that plus:
Not supported:
Compare: HelpOnHeadlines
For advanced mode only:
From one to six adjacent = characters, the same number at both ends of a single line, for <h2> to <h4> elements
Horizontal rules
Compare: HelpOnRules
Not supported.
Lists and indenting
Compare: HelpOnLists
For advanced mode only:
- Any number of spaces at the start of a line, to indent the line by that level.
" *" or " -" at the start of a line, for an <li> in a <ul>.
" 1." (with any number) at the start of a line, for an <li> in an <ol>.
" a." (with any number) at the start of a line, for an <li> in an <ol type="a">.
- A list item with greater indentation than the previous line starts a new list.
- A line with less indentation than the previous one, where the previous one is a list item, ends the list.
Not supported:
- Definition lists.
Compare: HelpOnTables
Should be supported for specifications only: All the features described in HelpOnTables.
Compare: HelpOnPageCreation#variablesubstitution'' Not supported.
Not supported.
Not supported.
Not supported.
Not supported.
Fields that accept simple-mode formatting should have text underneath describing what formatting you can use: Formatting allowed: ''
Each thing with a description may need a flag to indicate whether the description is using the markup or not.
The "I am using markup" flag should default to off.
Compare: HelpOnSmileys Macros
Compare: HelpOnMacros Processors
Compare: HelpOnProcessors Processing instructions
Compare: HelpOnProcessingInstructions Advertising formatting ability
italics'', '''bold''', `monospace`, [URL followed by linked text] Implementation
Code changes
Schema changes
Data migration
Unresolved issues