= Candidate technologies = Some technologies to consider for the new task system = Job system + RabbitMQ = Extend the current job system to be a daemon that listens to RabbitMQ for notification of pending jobs. = Job system + ampoule = Extend the current job system to be a daemon that listens for AmpQ messages for notification of pending jobs. = Celery = http://celeryproject.org/ = Gearman = http://gearman.org/ = Beanstalk = http://kr.github.com/beanstalkd/ = Kestrel = http://wiki.github.com/robey/kestrel/ = UEC = We could use UEC to manage our worker machines, but this does not support non-virtualizable architectures. However, it could allow us to take advantage of our internal UEC cloud, and might make it feasible for individuals to run their own buildfarms as a test. = Landscape = We could use Landscape to manage our worker machines.