Do you have trouble calling len() on the result of a named operation? Do you get timeouts, OOPSes, or have you resorted to hacks because len() simply doesn't work? Now there's hope.

First, upgrade lazr.restfulclient and launchpadlib. You should be using at least lazr.restfulclient 0.10.0 and launchpadlib at least 1.6.4.

Second, start using the 'devel' web service instead of 'beta' or '1.0'. (Once we freeze the current development service, you'll be able to use the frozen name instead of 'devel', and you'll be protected from further changes that might break your script.)

Third, if your code includes a workaround for bug 274074, remove it. That means code like this:


Should become this:


Foundations/Webservice/Performance/CollectionLength (last edited 2010-09-01 14:22:37 by leonardr)