= Launchpad Green Squad = A squad of > 1. <> == Daily call checklist == (Stolen from ~yellow) Move quickly if possible. :-) First part: Where are we right now? We move over the kanban board roughly right to left. * Review Done Done cards. For each card... * congratulate * ask the people if collaboration information is recorded correctly on the card. * ask the people who implemented it one or two questions about the implementation experience (e.g., what was the toughest part of getting this card done? how did you solve [that thing I heard about]? did something really work just as you'd hoped when you implemented this card?) Try to keep discussion to no more than a minute or two; move the card to "Weekly review" if there's more to say. * ask the people who implemented it if there is anything we should know about it (e.g., it changes how we do something, it unblocks some cards, etc.) * If it represents a problem, and in particular if it took more than 24 hours in an active lane, move the card to "Weekly review" for us to talk about on Friday. * Otherwise, move the card to "Archive". * Review cards in deployment and QA. Have any of them been in the same place for more than 24 hours? If so, problem solve (e.g., ask for details, ask if collaboration would help, and ask if anything else would help). * Review active and review cards in slack. * Have any of them been active for more than 24 hours? If so, suggest dividing them up. * Are any of them new? If so and pertinent, have we determined who the maintainer will be (Launchpad, yellow, or personal) and started down the proper design path? * Review Active cards in "Multi-branch work" * Have any of them been in the same lane for more than 24 hours? If so, problem solve. If the developers are stuck, consider "convening a panel" * Have any of them been in the same lane for more than 48 hours? If so, strongly encourage collaboration. Pull people off other active cards if necessary. * Review Miscellaneous Done cards. Ask for comments. Afterwards, move all to "Archive," or to "Weekly review" for discussion. * Review Miscellaneous Active cards. Ask for comments. If non-recurring card is sitting for longer than 24 hours, problem solve. * Do any non-done cards on the board have deadlines? If so, review as necessary. * Review all blocked cards everywhere. Are any of them unblocked? Do we need to take action to unblock any of them? * [experimental] Make sure that, if anyone collaborated or communicated externally (according to [[http://codesinger.blogspot.com/2012/07/yellow-squad-weekly-topics-july-6.html|our definitions]]) since the last time we talked, you "entered into the webapp" (sent an email to Gary about it). Second part: what are we going to do? * Review cards waiting to be done. * Do we have any critical cards? * How are we doing on our weekly (high) cards? * Does it at least look like we have cards ready to be started? * Circle around the team. For each person... * Encourage but do not require each person to mention what card they plan to work on for the next 24 hours * Ask the person to mention any items that everyone should know: remind people of reduced availability, request help such as code reviews or pair requests, etc.