Diff for "JavaScriptReviewNotes"

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Differences between revisions 20 and 21
Revision 20 as of 2009-04-20 13:53:42
Size: 4068
Editor: mars
Revision 21 as of 2009-05-05 16:16:15
Size: 4228
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 25: Line 25:
 * Any string literal used more than once in a file should be assigned to a CONSTANT (a variable, really) so that the minifier can compile it to a short name.

JavaScript Review Notes

These are items that any code reviewer should keep in mind when reviewing JavaScript.



  • NO NEW SCRIPT FILES SHOULD BE PULLED IN BY THE YAHOO COMBO-LOADER (use these instructions to add the scripts properly)

  • ANY DISPLAY OF TEXT INPUT MUST BE TESTED FOR PROPER ESCAPING. If this isn't tested, we don't know that we're safe against HTML injections.

Plain Old JavaScript

  • JavaScript blocks should be indented by 4 spaces.

  • If 3 or more lines of strings are to be joined together, use the [str1, str2, ...].join("") form.

  • 1 and 2 character variable names are to be avoided.
  • Regular expression literals should be avoided.
  • All public or protected functions, methods, and object properties should be described with JSDoc comment strings and tags.

    • Module-level private variables don't need full JSDoc tags.
  • C++ style comments ("//") should only be used inside function bodies.

  • Per-line var statements are preferred inside function bodies.

  • Function, method, and variable names should follow the PEP 0008 style guide (and no, this is not how the rest of the world does it).

  • Any string literal used more than once in a file should be assigned to a CONSTANT (a variable, really) so that the minifier can compile it to a short name.

XHTML, CSS, and Styling

  • CSS files should come before JavaScript files in the document head.

  • CSS url() directives should have the file name surrounded by single-quotes: url('spinner.png')

  • XHTML attributes should be surrounded by double-quotes: <input type="text"/>

  • Setting a node's style explicitly with setStyle() should be avoided.

  • To set a node's style, it is preferable to add a CSS class to the node, and let the stylesheet handle the presentation.
  • Please use the W3C markup validation service to check what you write, and to check what the DOM looks like after AJAX inserts new elements.

Event Handling

  • "e" should be used as the event object variable name in event handlers: function onclick(e) {...}

  • event.halt() should be preferred over event.stopPropagation().

  • Document-wide keypress handlers are dangerous, and should be detached as soon as they are no longer needed.

JavaScript Modules

  • Modules should have a JSDoc string with the @module or @submodule tag.

  • Module names should have the form PROJECTNAME.foo.

  • Module-body content does not have to be indented.
  • Module-wide constants should go at the top of the file, after the module JSDoc string.
  • Multi-line var statements may be used in the module-wide constants block.


  • Modules should declare a PROJECTNAME namespace: Y.namespace("foo");

  • A module's public functions should be attached to the PROJECTNAME namespace object.

  • A module's public functions should not be attached directly to the Y object.

  • It is recommended to have a @namespace tag below the @module tag.

Widgets and Plugins

  • Protected and private method names should be prefixed with an underscore.
  • All protected methods should have the @protected JSDoc tag, even ones like initializer() and renderUI().

  • Event handler method names should be prefixed with _on or _after.

  • Custom events should be documented on the line immediately preceding the line where they are published.
  • All JSDoc strings for attributes should have @attribute, @type, and @default tags.

  • Objects such as Node instances should not be instantiated in the widget's ATTRS hash using value:, use valueFn: instead.

  • All Widgets should have a functional example page.
  • (Not implemented) Widget example pages should follow the Example page Template.


  • The unit test suite should leave a clean DOM tree in between each test case.


JavaScriptReviewNotes (last edited 2014-11-30 20:26:24 by blr)