== User roles == * '''~+OEM provider:+~''' I want to make a customized version of Ubuntu * '''~+Linaro partner:+~''' * I want to create a new distribution/archive in the hosting software in 3 or 4 clicks * I want this new distribution visible only to a certain set of people, and only a subset of that group can upload * '''~+Partner enabling hardware (Meg):+~''' I want to upload modified packages to an archive for a hardware project * '''~+Lead developer on the project (Lou):+~''' I want to go to a web page and see the current state of the archive so that I am able to remove some obsolete packages. This can be done from a single page, and is at most three clicks to remove a package. Bulk operation should be possible. === Launchpad roles === * person who creates derived distroseries and initialise it (have to be in drivers team on distro) * archive admin: two special permissions: ignore (just the one or all) and mass-sync (upgrade in UI right now) ... synchronise all changes upstream where we don't have a local change as well but we do have the package * uploader: permission to sync packages that they have permission to upload to ... basically three ways to permission this: * old way: by component (main, etc) * packagset (preferred way): archive admin decides what a packageset is (reasonably arbitary) ... ubuntu-desktop for example * individual package upload rights: someone maintains a particular package * no perms: can just browse ... no private distros yet == Things to test == === User role: Distroseries driver === * Register a new distroseries * Initalise that distroseries: * Specify parent distro and distroseries * Specify architectures * Specify packagesets to copy from parent === User role: Archive admin === * View differences between parent distro and derived distro * Synchronise differences from the parent to the derived distro * Ignore any differences you know you'll never care about === Uploader === * Nothing to test, it seems === No permissions === * Check that the user has no access to make changes etc * Browse the distro = Notes = Three areas: * New distro: need to get an admin to do that at the moment, but onc ehte admin has set the driver, drivers can set new distroseries * Add new distroseries * Initalise it with packages (derive from parent) ... it goes off and creates the packages in the distro * Visualisation: * various things: blacklisting, synchronising, adding comments * automated: package can change in the derived series or parent series, which would update what you're seeing .. row could disappear or a new one appear if someone adds a package upstream * three lots of diff packages ... one we're concentrating, shows packages in both distros ... others are packages only in parent, and only in derived distro ... similar displays but the derived distro doesn't let you do anything 'cause we don't know how to commit upstream ... one with packages only in parent lets you sync them * Publishing: bit more complicated, not worth user testing