= A long poll notification service =
We want web pages to update when the thing they are viewing changes. This offers a nicer feel and reduces the chance of in-flight collisions with very stale data.
'''Contact:''' Julian Edwards <
'''On Launchpad:''' https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+bugs?field.tag=longpoll
'''As a ''' User<
'''I want ''' Pages to show current information$FEATURE<
'''so that ''' I'm not looking at stale information<
== Rationale ==
We are bringing in rabbit to perform backend tasks more rapidly. In order to tell users that they have completed we need to signal the browser that things have changed.
== Stakeholders ==
Technical Architect
== Constraints and Requirements ==
=== Must ===
* Meet the [[ArchitectureGuide/ServicesRequirements|new service requirements]].
* Permit a page that a user is looking at to get notified of changes so that users can be shown them. E.g. new messages on a bug.
=== Nice to have ===
=== Must not ===
* Must not involve a new domain.
=== Out of scope ===
== Subfeatures ==
== Success ==
=== How will we know when we are done? ===
When a page updates just-in-time when changes are made, without polling or requiring users to refresh.
''I'd argue that this isn't done-done until it's being used for two different pages.'' -- jml, 2011-06-24
=== How will we measure how well we have done? ===
== Thoughts? ==
* Merge proposals (jobs more generically?) could be a good place to start -- jml, 2011-06-24