{{{#!rst Better Privacy check-point 2012-11-07 ===================================== Summary ------- * Manage sharing was released earlier this week. * Private projects were released in beta Oct 25th * Private projects should complete Dec 3rd Manage sharing -------------- * Sharing is now out of beta. Woohoo! Blueprints privacy ------------------ * Still in beta. * Worked with Danilo and Linaro to help them to use private blueprints. * Will be released at the same time than private projects. Private projects ---------------- * Went live with beta on Oct 25th. * Besides Marc Tardif locking himself out of his project, no real fall outs. * Will disallow proprietary projects to have public access policy to prevent this and other corner cases in the future. * Remaining work: * a handful of bug fixes * 7 cards related to adding filters to existing queries. * 7 cards related to UI polish (privacy banner, doc and text updates, etc.) * a handful of nice-to-have cards. * Given the Copenhagen sprint, pushing GA to Dec 3rd back. }}}