{{{#!rst Better Privacy check-point 2012-11-21 ===================================== Summary ------- * Private blueprints are seeing widening usage. * Polish of private projects is going well and should be completed for Dec 3rd. Blueprints privacy ------------------ arosales: * Linaro joined Launchpad beta testers and are using private blueprints. * CDO is also going to use private blueprints to track the private parts of the Raring cycle. Private projects ---------------- * 14 cards remaining for Dec 3rd. * Most of it is very easy stuff (really minor trivial fixes). * Highest risk items * Need to investigate the series timeline security check (their might be some unknown remaining work lurking in there) * Lot of minor DB changes that takes time to do. * Diogo will do exploratory testing for private projects this week. * Known issues are tagged with private-projects_. .. _private-projects: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bugs?field.tag=private-projects }}}