= Work Items =
See also [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+bugs?field.tag=work-item-tracker|work-item-tracker bug tag]]
'''Started:''' 2012-01-30<
'''Current week:''' 17<
'''Next [[PolicyandProcess/FeatureDevelopmentCheckpoint|checkpoint]]:''' 2012-05-30<
'''Blueprint:''' https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-infrastructure-misc/+spec/engineering-view-fixes <
'''Branches:''' [[https://docs.google.com/a/linaro.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvOsYPy8e7yUdGkyRmx2WGFwT3NnSjdHVW04Q1pvSmc|Table with landed branches and LOC counts]]
== Scope ==
* Provide a UI to natively support work items on blueprints.
* Provide Launchpad API access to read an individual blueprint's work items.
* Team and individual views showing which work items are targeted to which milestones.
=== Out of scope ===
* Reproduce status.*.* in Launchpad.
* API call to provide all work items for a project.
== Deliverables ==
|| '''Item''' || '''Owner''' || '''Expected date''' || '''Status''' ||
|| Signed off LEPs || || || This project page serving as mini-LEP ||
|| Work items text box in production || salgado || 2012-03-07 || DONE ||
|| Team and individual work items view || salgado, mattias || 2012-03-07 || DONE ||
|| Bugs and improvements || danilo, james || 2012-05-31 || INPROGRESS ||
|| Feature documentation || || || ||
|| Blog post || || || ||
== Actions for next checkpoint ==
* ACTION: [mrevell] Provide text for a help pop-up to go alongside the work items text box.
* ACTION: [james] Graph for the top of the engineering view mock-up. Wants to repurpose the timeline. Will demo at Linaro Connect.
* ACTION: [james] "Expand all" button
* ACTION: [james] create a page to show what has been done on the project so far
* ACTION: [mrevell] call with Huw and James for multi-milestone work items display
* ACTION: [mrevell] check what metadata Ubuntu want for work items other than headline and acceptance
* ACTION: [james] Remove "Work items" text from inside the work items text box
* ACTION: [mrevell] find best way to track this page as a blueprint with work items
* ACTION: [danilo] Kill feedback requests on blueprints
* ACTION: [mrevell] speak to Kate about migrating past blueprints: do Ubuntu want it?
* ACTION: [matsubara] QA "upcoming view" page, probably after next checkpoint
== Notes ==
* [[Projects/WorkItems/Checkpoint-2012-02-22]]
* [[Projects/WorkItems/Checkpoint-2012-05-16]]
=== Mock-ups ===