## page was renamed from Foundations/QA/DashboardSetup = DevOps Dashboard setup = This page describes how to deploy new code to devops dashboard production instance, how and which cronjobs are configured, how to deploy and to QA new deployments. <> == !DevOps deployment and QA == The deployment and QA of the devops instance on devpad is exactly the same as the [[../QATaggerSetup|QA-tagger]] one. You should make sure the changes you want to QA are already available in the devel branch (lp:~launchpad-qa/lp-devops-dashboard/devel), and do the same procedure as explained for the [[../QATaggerSetup|QA-tagger]]. QA instance of devops can be found in {{{/home/lpqateam/devops/qa}}}, and production version can be found in {{{/home/lpqateam/devops/current}}}. == Runtime files == !DevOps dashboard has only one .conf file: {{{devops.conf}}}. {{{ [reports] deployment_reports_path=/path/to/the/qatagger/reports generated_report_path=/path/to/the/dashboard/index/folder }}} It contains two variables, {{{deployment_reports_path}}} and {{{generated_report_path}}}, that are explained above. On devpad, the folder where the QA-tagger reports are is {{{/home/lpqateam/public_html/qa_reports/}}}, and the [[https://lpqateam.canonical.com/devops|Dashboard]] index folder is on {{{/srv/lpqateam.canonical.com/html/devops}}}. == Cronjobs == The only crontab job running is the one that triggers the script. There are two entries in the ~lpqateam crontab, one for the "qa" instance and another for a "current" instance. Only thing needed is to switch between them. {{{ ## DevOps dashboard #*/5 * * * * cd $HOME/devops/current && ./bin/generate-page */5 * * * * cd $HOME/devops/qa && ./bin/generate-page }}}