= ReviewerMeeting20090923 = == summary == * please keep your screenshots around long enough to do qa. either use bug attachments (preferred) or don't clean out rookery so eagerly * lp 3.0 is awesome and beuno loves you * asiapac meeting moving to 2100utc == logs == === ameu === {{{ 10:01:08 > barry: #startmeeting 10:01:10 < MootBot: Meeting started at 09:01. The chair is barry. 10:01:10 < MootBot: Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] 10:01:24 > barry: hi everyone and welcome to this week's ameu reviewers meeting. who's here today? 10:01:43 < danilos: me 10:01:46 < bigjools: me 10:02:28 > barry: wow 10:02:34 < bigjools: everyone must be busy with something else, can't think what 10:03:05 < intellectronica: me 10:03:09 > barry: intellectronica, gary_poster cprov salgado sinzui noodles775 jml allenap EdwinGrubbs rockstar bac ping 10:03:17 < noodles775: me 10:03:19 < jml: hi 10:03:19 < cprov: me 10:03:20 < salgado: me 10:03:21 < bac: barry: apologies 10:03:26 < gary_poster: me 10:03:51 > barry: no worries 10:03:58 > barry: [TOPIC] agenda 10:03:59 < MootBot: New Topic: agenda 10:04:07 > barry: * Roll call 10:04:07 > barry: * Action items 10:04:07 > barry: * UI review call update 10:04:10 > barry: * Linked artifacts (e.g. screenshots) from bugs and merge proposals should not disappear [bac] 10:04:14 > barry: * Peanut gallery (anything not on the agenda) 10:04:14 > barry: 10:04:17 > barry: 10:04:21 > barry: [TOPIC] * Action items 10:04:22 < MootBot: New Topic: * Action items 10:04:29 > barry: * gary_poster and barry will transfer review guidelines from the old wiki and old old wiki to the new wiki 10:04:34 > barry: postponed until after 3.0 10:04:36 < gary_poster: bah :-) 10:04:37 < EdwinGrubbs: me 10:04:44 > barry: * cprov to update guidelines to clarify how code sensitive to env changes should be written 10:05:00 < cprov: barry: shhh, sorry again 10:05:19 -!- beuno!n=beuno@canonical/launchpad/beuno has joined #launchpad-meeting 10:05:33 > barry: cprov: no worries 10:05:45 > barry: [TOPIC] * UI review call update 10:05:47 < MootBot: New Topic: * UI review call update 10:05:57 > barry: beuno: hi! would you like to say a few words here? 10:06:00 -!- flacoste!n=francis@canonical/launchpad/flacoste has joined #launchpad-meeting 10:06:05 < flacoste: me 10:06:47 < bigjools: doesn't look like it :) 10:07:06 > barry: it doesn't ;) 10:07:10 > barry: anyway... 10:07:14 -!- henninge!n=henning@canonical/launchpad/henninge has joined #launchpad-meeting 10:07:22 < henninge: me ;) 10:07:25 > barry: [TOPIC] * Linked artifacts (e.g. screenshots) from bugs and merge proposals should not disappear [bac] 10:07:26 < MootBot: New Topic: * Linked artifacts (e.g. screenshots) from bugs and merge proposals should not disappear [bac] 10:07:34 < bac: hi 10:07:50 < beuno: barry, hi 10:07:52 < beuno: me 10:07:54 < bac: doing QA i found screenshot links where the item was no longer there. very frustrating. that is all. 10:08:00 < beuno: I love you guys 10:08:06 > barry: beuno: :) 10:08:19 < beuno: and you've done an amazing job at 3.0 10:08:30 < intellectronica: bac: best to always use an upload, then? 10:08:35 < beuno: UI reviews went so well, I want them to be done everywhere else 10:08:59 < bac: intellectronica: probably. or just don't prematurely purge on rookery. 10:09:27 > barry: bac: agreed! i would also strongly urge people to file a bug, link that bug to your branch, and include demo/qa plan in your cover letter. as i'm qa'ing things this week i find it very difficult when those things are missing 10:09:53 > barry: beuno: things are looking good, are they not? :) 10:09:55 < jml: also, we should allow attachments on merge proposals. 10:10:20 > barry: jml: +1 10:10:20 < beuno: barry, yes. There are a few "critical" issues on major pages 10:10:25 < beuno: like the bug page, mps and branch index 10:10:34 < beuno: some of them have been addressed 10:10:43 < beuno: and some of them, we won't have time 10:10:52 < beuno: lesson of the day: don't levae the biggest pages last 10:10:54 < jml: which, of course, means that the merge proposals page should use the same attachment infrastructure as bugs. 10:11:10 > barry: beuno: we're going to have to cp them after the release 10:11:29 > barry: bac has basically said "keep qa'ing but if you find something, it's too late now" 10:11:46 < intellectronica: jml: there are various opportunities to share infrastructure that we should consider now 10:11:49 < beuno: barry, right, it's fixable 10:11:55 < beuno: in general, it's an awesome launchpad 10:12:00 < beuno: all tempaltes have been converted 10:12:00 > * barry is just amazed we actually converted all 375 templates 10:12:05 < beuno: even with me sneaking away for 2 weeks 10:12:06 < jml: barry, me too! 10:12:10 < beuno: you guys rocked the house 10:13:02 < jml: intellectronica, very much so. MPs already use bugs comment infrastructure, largely. 10:13:14 > barry: beuno: can we do a post-mortem after 3.0 is released, and maybe when you're done sprinting, etc. to evaluate the 3.0 process? and also to think about what needs to be done post-3.0 and what's on the plate for 4.0? 10:13:46 > barry: beuno: it would be great to evaluate what we just did before we leap headfirst into 4.0 10:14:48 < beuno: barry, absolutely 10:15:11 > barry: great! 10:15:19 > barry: [TOPIC] peanut gallery 10:15:20 < MootBot: New Topic: peanut gallery 10:15:33 > barry: that's everything on the agenda, does anybody else have anything for today? 10:16:10 < flacoste: barry, beuno: we are putting a 3.0 retrospective at the TL meeting 10:16:16 < jml: barry, nope. 10:16:29 < beuno: flacoste, perfect 10:16:36 > barry: jml: i think you're right, so... 10:16:39 > barry: #endmeeting }}} === asiapac === {{{ 18:30:15 > barry: #startmeeting 18:30:15 < MootBot: Meeting started at 17:30. The chair is barry. 18:30:15 < MootBot: Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] 18:30:33 > barry: hello and welcome to this week's asiapac reviewers meeting. who's here today? 18:30:39 < mwhudson: i am! 18:30:45 < thumper: hey 18:30:52 < wgrant: moi 18:31:01 < thumper: barry: rockstar may be lying down 18:31:04 > barry: excellent 18:31:09 > barry: thumper: cool 18:31:40 > barry: thumper, mwhudson y'know your evil plan to increase the number of antipodeans is backfiring 18:31:52 < thumper: why? 18:31:56 > barry: jml 18:32:11 > barry: ;) 18:32:13 > barry: anyway... 18:32:25 > barry: not much happened in ameu 18:32:32 < mwhudson: the plan hadn't really got far enough that you could call it evil... 18:33:10 > barry: bac requested that folks keep their screen shots around long enough to do qa. some screen shots were not attached to the bug, but instead were on rookery, and got deleted 18:33:33 > barry: it's recommended to attach them to the bug, or at least keep them around until the end of the cycle 18:33:33 < thumper: I'd like to be able to add attachments to a code review 18:33:39 > barry: thumper: that came up too 18:33:40 < * thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper adds it to the wish list 18:33:54 < thumper: barry: you can attach them to the mail 18:34:04 < thumper: barry: and we could link them on the UI 18:34:07 < bac: barry: you woke me up for that? lies back down to monitor the release 18:34:14 > barry: thumper: yep! 18:34:16 < thumper: barry: the images are stored in the librarian (I think) 18:34:22 < thumper: barry: I'll test 18:34:32 > barry: cool, thanks 18:34:40 < thumper: perhaps not today 18:35:10 > barry: thumper: in the original mp request is probably the most important 18:35:26 > barry: the only other thing from ameu is: lp 3.0 is awesome and beuno loves you 18:36:00 > barry: that's all i have. what's up with you? 18:36:38 < wgrant: I can no longer complain about the lack of public ec2test. 18:37:04 > barry: wgrant: we have that now? 18:37:09 < mwhudson: well, he does 18:37:17 < mwhudson: it's not actually 'public' yet 18:37:38 > barry: mwhudson: cool 18:37:40 < mwhudson: because i need to land ec2test changes 18:37:41 < thumper: I don't have anything review specific to bring up 18:38:06 < mwhudson: i guess we could mention that review diffs will be a bit different post rollout? 18:38:15 > barry: mwhudson: how so? 18:38:15 < thumper: perhaps 18:38:25 < thumper: pushing will cause the diff to be updated 18:38:27 < mwhudson: they'll update on push 18:38:40 < mwhudson: and they're merge --preview diffs, not diff -r ancestor: diffs 18:38:50 < mwhudson: (so you can get conflicts) 18:39:08 < mwhudson: thumper: are the old diffs kept around? 18:39:16 < thumper: kinda 18:39:21 < thumper: not really 18:39:22 < thumper: yet 18:39:25 > barry: updates are nice 18:39:30 < mwhudson: thumper: there was this idea of linking a code review comment to the diff it applied to, i guess that's not done yet? 18:39:36 < thumper: there is 18:39:40 < thumper: but that is a db patch 18:39:43 < mwhudson: right 18:39:48 > barry: mwhudson: what's the reason behind the merge --preview diffs? to be explicit about conflicts? 18:40:09 < thumper: that is the only way we can get reasonable diffs 18:40:24 < thumper: barry: because if you merge the target 18:40:34 < mwhudson: barry: conflictyness seems interesting to the reviewer 18:40:35 < thumper: barry: you don't want the merged details in the diff 18:41:14 > barry: thanks. how does this affect support for dependent branches? 18:41:25 < thumper: heh 18:41:25 < thumper: well 18:41:26 < mwhudson: another thing, jml has this half-written branch that will pull all the details for an ec2 test run from the merge proposal 18:41:28 < thumper: right now they aren't really supported 18:41:44 < thumper: abentley is working on fixing the dependant branch support 18:41:50 < thumper: being renamed to "prerequisite branch" 18:41:53 < mwhudson: which i think will be a useful improvement 18:42:14 < thumper: mwhudson: including commit message? 18:42:26 < mwhudson: thumper: i presume so 18:42:42 > barry: mwhudson: where useful == awesome 18:42:46 < thumper: barry: part of this would be to get LP to somehow work well with pipes 18:42:53 < thumper: barry: have you used bzr-pipelines yet? 18:43:07 < thumper: barry: IMO if you like looms, you'll love pipelines 18:43:11 > barry: thumper: i keep meaning to. i know they are the official goodness to use instead of looms 18:43:36 < thumper: barry: they just work better with LP as they are branch based 18:43:39 > barry: honestly though, i haven't had many branch stacks during these last two cycles 18:43:45 < thumper: :) 18:44:00 < jml: including commit message. 18:44:09 < jml: it assembles the [r=...] gunk from the mp 18:44:18 < jml: and takes the actual text of the commit message from the mp too 18:44:24 < jml: (but iirc, you can override it) 18:44:41 > barry: jml: my last commit message is usually meaningless, e.g. 'pick some lint' or 'merge rf' 18:44:59 < thumper: barry: the proposal has a commit message field 18:45:15 < thumper: barry: not set very often right now. tarmac uses it 18:45:19 > barry: i'll have to start using that. i've basically ignored the Subject: field until now 18:45:32 > barry: but it all sounds cool 18:45:35 < thumper: barry: it isn't the subject 18:45:55 > barry: thumper: isn't that last commit message stuffed into the subject in a 'bzr send'? or is that something else? 18:46:15 < thumper: barry: we don't do anything with that subject 18:46:41 > barry: thumper: that's why i've started to ignore it 18:46:57 < thumper: barry: but the commit message is a different bit 18:48:00 > barry: i have one other thing i'd like to ask y'all 18:48:07 < thumper: shoot 18:48:19 > barry: is this time still the best for the asiapac meetings? 18:48:29 < thumper: still good for me 18:48:35 < thumper: although we change next week 18:48:42 < thumper: daylight savings kicks in 18:48:49 < * thumper:48:54 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: so becomes one hour later 18:48:55 > barry: personally, i wouldn't mind moving it earlier by an hour (or more) but i want to make sure we continue to meet at a good time for you 18:49:11 < thumper: I'm fine with this time 18:49:15 > barry: thumper: you just blew my mind 18:49:25 < thumper: could be fine an hour earlier too as of next week 18:49:42 > barry: so that means 2130 utc? 18:49:45 < thumper: mwhudson: got any preference? 18:49:58 < thumper: barry: yes 18:50:15 < * mwhudson!n=mwh@canonical/launchpad/mwhudson blinks his attention back, sorry about that 18:50:43 < mwhudson: 2130 utc next week is 0930 local? 18:50:46 < mwhudson: that's fine with me 18:50:47 > barry: i'll probably bitch and moan again by 01-nov when we fall out of daylight savings, but for now that would be great 18:51:00 < thumper: mwhudson: 2130 utc next week is 1030 local 18:51:09 < thumper: mwhudson: daylight savings sunday 18:51:10 < mwhudson: oh right 18:51:18 < mwhudson: that's completely fine 18:51:26 > barry: great! 2130 it is 18:51:29 > barry: that's all for me 18:51:36 < mwhudson: another hour earlier would be ok, though risks bumping into our standup 18:51:42 < thumper: barry: well, in nov it would be another hour earlier for you 18:51:52 < thumper: barry: which would make it what? 18:51:55 < mwhudson: an hour earlier than that would be ok, though that's getting a little early here (0830) 18:52:10 > barry: thumper: i think it would make it 1630 for me which would be perfect 18:52:16 < thumper: mwhudson: I was talking about US going out of daylight savings 18:52:36 < mwhudson: thumper: i'm just being general 18:52:48 < mwhudson: thumper: now jml is off, we can go earlier, is the basic summary 18:52:53 < thumper: right 18:52:55 > barry: right 18:53:12 < thumper: we could do 20:30 utc 18:53:13 > barry: 2130 should be fine now and after 01-nov 18:53:41 > barry: if not, it's good to know we can push it a bit, but probably not necessary 18:53:50 > barry: anyway... 18:53:53 > barry: anything else guys? 18:53:55 < thumper: what about 2100 ? 18:54:05 < thumper: barry: it used to collide withour standup 18:54:09 < thumper: barry: but we moved that 18:54:16 > barry: thumper: ah cool. 2100 is fine too 18:54:22 < thumper: mwhudson: 2100? 18:54:41 < mwhudson: thumper: yes, fine 18:54:50 < thumper: barry, mwhudson: sold! 18:54:56 > barry: beauty 18:55:10 > barry: thanks guys... i think we're done! 18:55:13 > barry: #endmeeting }}}