## page was renamed from ReviewerMeeting20100120 = ReviewerMeeting2010mmdd = == summary == * stuff * more stuff == logs == === ameu === {{{ [15:00] #startmeeting [15:00] Meeting started at 09:00. The chair is bac. [15:00] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [15:00] hi who is here for today's reviewer meeting? [15:00] me [15:00] me [15:00] me [15:00] me [15:00] me [15:00] me [15:00] bac: danilo sends his apologies [15:00] me [15:00] I think ;) [15:01] gary, francis, julian are also away [15:01] Foundations is here. Record time :) [15:01] me (although a bit busy with other things) [15:01] me [15:01] deryck too. is gmb around today? allenap? [15:01] me [15:02] bac, allenap is now a Landscaper for 6 moths. [15:02] bac: allenap is on "LP holidays" [15:02] Er, months. [15:02] ah, right [15:02] gmb, ? Did I miss that in the staffing mail? [15:02] salgado: ping [15:03] bac, salgado is off to other projects as well [15:03] right, right [15:03] mars, Possibly; I wasn't paying attention. But he's definitely on rotation to LS. [15:03] [topic] agenda [15:03] New Topic: agenda [15:03] * Roll call [15:03] * Agenda [15:03] * Outstanding actions [15:03] * Mentoring update [15:03] * New topics [15:03] * ec2 failures - bac [15:03] * UDS next week. No meeting or volunteer substitute chair? [15:03] * Peanut gallery [15:03] [topic] outstanding actions [15:03] New Topic: outstanding actions [15:03] * bac is a big loser [15:03] me [15:04] i have two items on my plate that i haven't gotten to. i *promise* to do them tomorrow so i can go to UDS with a clear conscience [15:04] me [15:04] [topic] rockstar to start ML discussion about the lack of UI reviews [15:04] New Topic: rockstar to start ML discussion about the lack of UI reviews [15:05] rockstar attends the AMEU meeting so he's not here now. i don't think he did this, though. [15:05] he brought it up in the meeting last week and had good statistics on the number of UI reviews that have been performed lately and it was very low. [15:05] i'll remind him to take it to the list and we can chat there [15:05] Yeah, I haven't seen any in a few weeks now (and few before) [15:06] bac: we've discussed this and we think the stats are wrong [15:06] intellectronica: really? that's good to hear. [15:07] intellectronica, bac, true, but that discussion can probably be saved for the list [15:07] sinzui: what is your impression? have you been doing many? [15:07] because of ec2 land people don't commit with the quite tag [15:07] I was doing many in week 1 and 2 [15:07] 1 last week [15:07] bac, intellectronica and sinzui did 3 or for for me last cycle, for sure. [15:07] intellectronica: why is that? i thought ec2 land did a good job of getting the ui tag? [15:07] * intellectronica shuts up [15:07] s/last/this [15:07] I think this may be indicative that UI should land in weeks 0, 1, and 2 [15:08] bac, Only if you tag the review with 'ui' in the mp. [15:08] Otherwise I think it just puts all the names in the [r=] block. [15:08] gmb: ah, so we need to ensure the ui reviewers are tagging correctly or the MP author does it right. [15:08] Yes [15:08] that's good information to pass on. [15:09] so we have a failure in tools/procedure not lack of reviewing. hurrah. [15:09] moving on [15:09] [topic] * ec2 failures - bac [15:09] New Topic: * ec2 failures - bac [15:10] mars and i chatted this morning and we wanted to hear from people how often they are seeing ec2 jobs just disappear and the effect it is having. [15:10] personally i see it a lot and it is very disruptive [15:10] bac: I'm often seeing branches disappear, and it's quite annoying. [15:10] for important branches i've been running them locally [15:10] So far I know salgado and matsubara have both experienced a few test suite hangs in the past few days [15:10] also, my ec2 bill last month was 4 times normal [15:11] bac, I've seen it happen twice this week already, it's getting annoyingly common. [15:11] I don't see many branches hanging; they just vanish. [15:11] so how can we attack this problem to figure out what is going on? [15:11] gmb, the instance dies? [15:11] I haven't seen any hanging branches either (or do they get killed automatically?) [15:11] jelmer, ^ ? [15:11] the ec2 instance shuts itself down after 8h [15:12] salgado, Ah, so they might well be hangs then. [15:12] I've killed one hanging ec2 land after the log had not been updated for 2hrs. [15:12] salgado, thanks, that is good to know [15:12] if it's left hung for long enough, it will shut down and you won't get any notifications [15:12] (last week) [15:12] mars: yeah, it just disappears silently [15:12] did we have this problem before jml's subunit changes? [15:12] jelmer, think it is inside our outside that 8 hour window? [15:13] mars: outside probably [15:13] ok [15:13] bac, I think we had it before. do you know when the subunit changes landed? [15:13] bac, the changes and fixes landed the 14th of April, your fix landed on the 21st [15:14] I've definitely seen it before his changes as well. [15:14] jelmer: ok, thanks. [15:14] jelmer, salgado, that is also good to know. Thanks. [15:15] For everyone's benefit, I am tracking progress on this with Bug 570380 [15:15] Launchpad bug 570380 in launchpad-foundations "ec2test sometimes hangs on the first windmill test" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/570380 [15:15] thanks mars [15:15] I have some solutions being worked on for this, I will keep everyone updated as things progress [15:16] i guess i'd encourage everyone to not just suffer in silence but (kindly) let mars know when it happens and try to gather some data [15:16] [topic] * UDS next week. No meeting or volunteer substitute chair? [15:16] New Topic: * UDS next week. No meeting or volunteer substitute chair? [15:16] i'm at UDS next week and a few others as well. [15:16] shall we just skip the meeting? [15:16] or would someone like to volunteer to lead it? [15:17] i think the group silence is a vote to skip. [15:17] [action] bac cancels next week's reviewers meeting [15:17] ACTION received: bac cancels next week's reviewers meeting [15:17] [topic] mentoring update [15:17] New Topic: mentoring update [15:18] noodles775, jelmer: everything still going well? [15:18] Yep... although more non-soyuz reviews for jelmer would still be great :) [15:18] I reviewed only two branches last week, mostly because I was distracted by other things. It's all going well otherwise though imo. [15:19] and yeah, more non-soyuz branches please :-) [15:19] [topic] peanut gallery [15:19] New Topic: peanut gallery [15:19] I have a peanut item: https://dev.launchpad.net/ReviewingCodeImports claims that community members can be members of ~vcs-imports, however, when it was brought up on the mailing list (subj: Code Import Reviews), the thread fizzled out with me producing a list of places where ~vcs-imports perhaps granted too-wide permissions. Someone should decide whether community members really _can_ be in ~vcs-imports or not, and either change the wi [15:19] ki page or work out how to make it happen. [15:19] hi maxb [15:20] I believe this might dovetail with the promised community reviewers email :-) [15:20] thanks for bringing that up max. [15:20] maxb: touche [15:20] Promised, legendary, or mythical? [15:20] It seems to be in the realms of legend at the moment :P [15:21] maxb: i'll bring it up in the ameu meeting this afternoon [15:21] thanks [15:21] Looks like poolie and members of the Launchpad-code team can add you gentlemen [15:21] any other topics? [15:21] wgrant, it's not mythical, I've seen it! I swear! [15:21] it's right there in my drafts folder, wgrant. really it is. [15:22] Oh! [15:22] going once [15:22] twice [15:22] thanks for coming everyone. [15:22] * UDS next week. No meeting or volunteer substitute chair? [15:22] er, [15:22] thanks bac [15:22] #endmeeting [15:22] Meeting finished at 09:22. }}} === asiapac === {{{ [22:43] thumper, rockstar: ping [22:44] hi [22:44] bac, we're still on the standup... [22:44] ok [22:44] how long until you're done? [22:44] bac, depends on chatty thumper [22:45] :-| [22:45] done now [22:45] ok, then? do i hear a chorus of 'me'? [22:46] me [22:46] * rockstar choruses [22:46] so in the ameu meeting we determined i was slack for not getting to my tasks [22:46] I am also slack for not sending an email in my drafts folder about UI reviews. [22:46] what tasks? [22:46] we also talked about rockstar's concerns about the UI reviews [22:46] bac, yay. [22:47] thumper: the same stuff that i've been ignoring: community review policy and what constitutes testable documentation [22:47] :) [22:47] bac, I has an announcement... [22:47] rockstar: so the concensus is it isn't as bad as your data showed. just that UI reviewers are marking the MP properly so ec2 land doesn't construct the correct PQM message [22:48] bac, ah, that's what I was being told. [22:48] we also talked some about the problem with ec2 losing branches with no email [22:48] However, as a ui reviewer, I still don't feel as overwhelmed as I should be... [22:48] it is really hurting us in lost time. [22:49] bac: that'll be the hang followed by the belt and braces shutdown [22:49] thumper: what do you mean? [22:49] bac: perhaps the shutdown code should also email just before [22:49] thumper, you mean "suspenders" ? [22:49] :) [22:49] when the ec2 instances start up [22:49] we have some code that says [22:49] shutdown in 8 hours [22:49] or 6 [22:49] whatever [22:50] a test hangs [22:50] machine gets shut down [22:50] no email [22:50] thumper, although this doesn't always happen for me. [22:50] Sometimes the machine is still running 10 hours later. [22:50] thumper: hmm, i didn't know that. i'll suggest it to mars [22:50] so perhaps before shutdown it should send suicide email [22:50] thumper: indeed [22:51] The subject should be "Goodbye cruel world" [22:51] we also had this item from maxb: [22:51] I have a peanut item: https://dev.launchpad.net/ReviewingCodeImports claims that community members can be members of ~vcs-imports, however, when it was brought up on the mailing list (subj: Code Import Reviews), the thread fizzled out with me producing a list of places where ~vcs-imports perhaps granted too-wide permissions. Someone should decide whether community members really _can_ be in ~vcs-imports or not, and either change the wi [22:51] ki page or work out how to make it happen. [22:52] a bug should be filed about permissions that they shouldn't have [22:52] and we'll fix it [22:52] when the bugs are fixed [22:52] we could open it up again [22:52] so 1) file bug on extra permissions, 2) fix bug, 3) open vcs-imports to community peeps? [22:53] aye [22:53] excellent [22:53] i'll find max's email and either file the bug or ask him to do it. [22:53] [action] bac to see that a bug is filed about vcs-import permissions being to generous [22:54] cool [22:54] also, i'm going to be at UDS next week so i'm cancelling this meeting. [22:54] either of you going? [22:54] ack [22:54] nope [22:54] thumper, good idea about the shutdown mail, I've noted it. [22:54] nope [22:54] i've heard to expect cold, rain, and extreme boringness of venue [22:54] bac, I have an announcement. [22:55] yes rockstar [22:55] * thumper has something to [22:55] bac, noodles sent me an email today telling me to go ahead and announce that I'm a graduated UI reviewer. [22:55] oh congratulations! [22:56] so who are the full-fledged reviewers? just you and noodles? [22:56] what about sinzui? [22:56] i thought sinzui was still a UI-mentat [22:57] I've heard that noodles thinks he is good enough but sinzui is resisting [22:57] I am [22:57] sinzui: stop resisting [22:57] resistance is futile [22:57] uh oh, we woke him [22:57] sinzui is gradiated. [22:57] * thumper sooths sinzui back to sleep [22:57] congrats sinzui too [22:57] thumper what was your item? [22:57] ok [22:58] I am was mentoring intellectronica, but then he abandoned me. [22:58] more of a reminder for people to read my emails to launchpad-dev [22:58] there are two new testing things: [22:58] a better base breadcrumb test case, which uses test_traverse [22:58] thumper: i read those. i meant to bring them up today in ameu but forgot. [22:58] and self.oopses in the base TestCase class [22:58] I wrote up details for launchpad-dev [22:58] so details are there [22:59] No one wants to be a UI reviewer. They do not like the cool sun glasses and hair cuts you get when you join the club [22:59] and i'll certainly forget again in two weeks time [22:59] thanks for those nice new tools thumper [22:59] np [22:59] sinzui, I like my haircut! :) [22:59] rockstar: isn't yours more like a lack of haircut? [22:59] :) [23:00] which haircut are you sporting now paul? [23:00] thumper, point [23:00] bac, the unkempt "I haven't showered in 12 days" haircut. [23:00] uh, nice [23:00] It's called "hat" [23:00] well i see we have devolved [23:00] thanks for chatting. see you again in two weeks }}}