= Re-Uploading a Package = Here's how to re-upload an existing package to a Soyuz PPA on dogfood. First, make sure you have this in your `~/.dput.cf`: {{{ [dogfood] fqdn = upload.dogfood.paddev.net method = ftp incoming = %(dogfood)s login = anonymous }}} On your local machine, run: {{{ apt-get source # (Or obtain in some other way) cd dch -i "Reupload." dch -r -D xenial # or an appropriate distroseries }}} That last command will add an entry to the Debian changelog, which is what tells the system that the package has changed and needs re-processing. You can override the name/email that is used by setting the DEBEMAIL environment variable. debsign (run by debuild below) will attempt to find your GPG key by using the email address in the changelog entry. Alternatively, you can set DEBSIGN_KEYID=yourid in ~/.devscripts. Then: {{{ debuild -S cd .. dput dogfood:~/ubuntu/ }}} If you are uploading to a PPA, you are now done. If you are uploading to a main archive, you may need: Now, ''on dogfood'': {{{ sudo -u launchpad -i <