#format wiki #language en = Old page = [[attachment:team_before_screenshot.png|Public Team]] = Implementation = == Stage 1 == [[https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~edwin-grubbs/launchpad/bug-412519-team-page/+merge/10536|Merge Proposal]] Stage1 does not implement the following features, since the branch was getting too big. * List all members in the portlet, at least for small teams. * Show members' timezones. * Recently approved query shouldn't show users approved a long time ago * even if they are the most recent. * "Contact this team" link should be moved into the action menu. * Add portlet with info from the karmacache. * Use AJAX description editing widget. Screenshots: Changing the portlet links in the top right corner from black to blue was done in css so it affected other pages. See the [[attachment:project_with_new_see_all_css.png|project page]]. * '''Public Team''' * [[attachment:public_team_stage1.png|Revision 1]] * [[attachment:public_team_stage1_rev2.png|Revision 2]] * [[attachment:public_team_stage1_rev3.png|Revision 3]] * '''Private Team''' * [[attachment:private_team_stage1.png|Revision 1]] * [[attachment:private_team_stage1_rev2.png|Revision 2]] * [[attachment:private_team_stage1_rev3.png|Revision 3]] * [[attachment:private_membership_team_stage1.png|Private Membership Team]] = Original mockups. = * [[attachment:public_team_page.png|Public Team Mockup]] * [[attachment:private_team_page.png|Private Team Mockup]]