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This page describes the "master" branches for Launchpad development. Please ask for help immediately if you have any questions.

Where's trunk?

Launchpad has four master branches (this is unusual; most projects only have one). All four are owned by launchpad-pqm, the Patch Queue Manager. They are:

  1. devel Where most development takes place (except anything that involves changing the database schema; see below).

  2. db-devel Changes that modify the database schema get merged here first. Note: this is also the default stacking branch for other Launchpad branches.

  3. stable This is what we roll out to production servers when we do a release.

  4. db-stable ??? (see below)

TODO: The relationships between these four branches are given in this internal wiki page, along with great diagrams: . I am transferring that information over right now. Also, I'll finish out bug #408069 when done. -kfogel