User Stories Delivered

API Track

Make API Cacheable

Story Points: 3
Delivered: 2.1.9

As a web service client,
I get a Last-Modified date with each representation I request. I can use that data later on to make conditional GET, PUT, or PATCH requests.
We do this because conditional GET saves bandwidth and often time, and conditional PUT/PATCH prevents clients from overwriting each others' work.


Make API Cacheable - client side

Story Points: 3
Delivered: 2.1.9

As a launchpadlib user,
ll GET requests I send have their Last-Modified headers stored for later. Subsequent GET or PATCH requests are made conditional using the stored value.

API customized auto-generated adapter

Story Points: ?
Bug: #294858.

As a Launchpad developer,
I want to be able to customize the IEntry and ICollection adapters generated automatically by the annotations,
so that webservice-specific optimization might be made, while retaining the convenience of the annotated API.


No real use cases was found for this feature.

Entry ETag

Story Points: 3
Delivered: 2.1.12
Bug: 273176

As a Launchpad web service client,
I want to see an entry's ETag in the representation of the entry itself;
so I can make conditional requests on objects that weren't obtained through an individual HTTP request.

Export mutators as writable attributes

Story Points: 3
Delivered: 2.1.12

As a developer,
I can annotate one of an interface's methods to be the method invoked when the client makes a PUT or PATCH request that modifies the value of a particular field;
so that the interface to modify most attributes is consistent.

Multi-Hit API

Story Points: ?
Delivered: Dropped during 2.2.1 because of no use cases

As a webservice client,
I want to be able to invoke a particular named operation or setting an attribute to a certain value on a set of objects;
so that mass-change operation can be done efficiently.


API: Notification of Server Changes on Update

Story Points: 3
Delivered: 2.2.2

As a Launchpad web service client,
I want that when I do a PATCH or PUT request, the server notifies me when the data I specified was modified by the server;
so that I don't have to make a separate GET request to update my local copy of the object.


API: HTML Representation

Story Points: ?
Delivered: 2.2.2

As an AJAX client,
I want to be able to specify in my request that I want an HTML rendition of the object I'm retrieving;
so that I can update the page without having to make a separate request to a special fragment view.


API: Field Resource

Story Points: ?
Delivered: 2.2.3

As an AJAX webservice client,
I want to be able to retrieve the HTML representation of field of a resource;
so that I can selectively update a page content dynamically.


Story Points: ?
Delivered: 2.2.3

As a Zope developer,
I want to download lazr.webservice from the Cheeseshop;
so that I can add easily a REST webservice to my Zope application.

DELETE resource

Story Points: 3
Delivered: 2.2.3

As a developer,
I can annotate one of an interface's methods to be the method invoked when the client makes a DELETE request to the appropriate kind of resource;
so that the way to delete resources is consistent.


DELETE resource

Story Points: 3
Delivered: 2.2.3

As a developer,
I can annotate one of an interface's methods to be the method invoked when the client makes a DELETE request to the appropriate kind of resource;
so that the way to delete resources is consistent.


API: Field Resource Vocabulary

Story Points: 3

As a webservice client,
I want to be able to the valid values of field vocabulary;
so that I present the list of valid values to the client.


AJAX Track

YUI Integration

Story Points: 1
Delivered: 2.1.10

As a Launchpad developer, I want to be able to use YUI from a page template, so that I can do cool UI.


JavaScript Testing

Story Points: 5
Delivered: 2.1.10

As a Launchpad developer, I want to write a tests for my Javascript, be able to run it locally from the command line; so that I can detect regressions in Javascript code.


API JS Access

Story Points: 5
Delivered: 2.1.10

As a Launchpad developer, I want to be able to use the Launchpad web service API from JavaScript, so that I can use the standard API to manipulate the content from the UI.


Initial API JavaScript Library

Story Points: 8
Delivered: 2.1.10

As a Launchpad developer, I want a JS library available that allow me to easily make API call to the Launchpad web service, so that I can access the Launchpad object model without having to write custom XHR request and interpret the resulting JSON.



Story Points: 2
Delivered: 2.1.11
Bug: #29645

As a Launchpad programmer,
I want to make the equivalent of a PATCH request through Ajax;
so I can modify an object without having a representation of it.

LAZR-JS Green Flash

Story Points: 2
Delivered: 2.1.12

As a Canonical JS developer,
I want to be able to use a standard green flash animation for
when data has been saved successfully.

Lazr-JS Project Bootstrap

Story Points: 1
Delivered: 2.1.12

As a Launchpad developer,
I want to develop, test, and publish JavaScript widgets in the lazr-js project,
so I can share JS components with the rest of Canonical.

Lazr-JS Reference Widget

Story Points: 5
Delivered: 2.1.12

As a Canonical JS developer,
I want to have a reference implementation of a inline text editing widget;
so that I have an example on how to write widgets.

Lazr-JS Error Widget

Story Points: 5
Delivered: no use cases

As a Launchpad user,
I want AJAX errors to be reported to a single widget;
so that I can navigate and retry errors.



Story Points: 1
Delivered: 2.2.1

As a LAZR-JS developer,
I want the Lazr-JS test suite to use the latest release of YUITest;
so that I can use Mock objects in my unit tests.

Prepopulating AJAX cache

Story Points: 3
Delivered: 2.2.1 Bug: #296456

As a Launchpad programmer,
I want to be able to add objects in the view that will be available from within JavaScript;
so I can present that data or modify it without to have to make an HTTP request.

Inline text editing

Story Points: 3
Delivered: 2.2.2

As a Launchpad developer, I want a way to associate an inline text widget with the rendered element of a content field in view, so that I can easily add inline editing to text fields.


{{{ view/bug_title_inlinet_widget bug_title_inline_widget = InlineTextWidget(self.context, 'title') }}}

LAZR Popup

Story Points: ?
Delivered: 2.2.2

As a Launchpad developer,
I want a pop-up widget in which I can add custom code;
so that I have a common look and feel across all pop-up widgets.


Infrastructure Track

Zope 3.4 Upgrade

Story Points: 8
Delivered: 2.1.10

As a Launchpad developer, I want to have zope 3.4 available in my tree, so that I can take advantage of the latest changes in it.


EC2 Test Runner

Story Points: 3

As a Launchpad developer,
I want an easy way to run the test suite on EC2;
so that I can submit a branch to PQM with confidence that the test suite will pass.


Story Points: 3
Delivered: 2.1.12

As a python developer,
I want to download lazr.config from the Cheeseshop;
so that I can use it for process configuration in my project.


5 minutes PQM merge

Story Points: 8
Delivered: 2.1.12

As a Launchpad developer,
I want a continuous integration system that will notify me when a commit I made breaks the test suite;
so that I can merge to PQM without running tests.


Buildbot EC2 Slave

Story Points: 5
Delivered: 2.2.1

As a LOSA,
I want to deploy buildbot using on-demand slave running on EC2; so that we can host the 5-minutes-PQM infrastructure withing the data center.


Merge EC2 latent slave upstream

Story Points: ??
\ Delivered: 2.2.1

As a Launchpad developer,
I want our ec2 latent slave code merged upstream;
so that it can be maintained by the community.

Separate DB branch

Story Points: 2
Delivered: 2.2.2

As the Launchpad release manager,
I want features requiring DB changes to be landed on a separate branch;
so that we can land DB-related changes earlier in the cycle and also keep edge updated during the whole cycle.


5 minutes PQM for dependencies

Story Points: ??
Delivered: Dropped 2.2.2 because would be obsolete with zc.buildout

As a Launchpad developer,
I want all changes I make to LP dependant branches be merged without PQM running tests;
so that changes to LP dependancies can be integrated as fast as changes to Launchpad itself.

Continuous Integration of Dependencies

Story Points: 3
Delivered: 2.2.2

As the Launchpad release manager,
I want to have automatic regular test run of Launchpad against updated version of our dependencies;
so that we can anticipate problems with newer upstream versions.


Initial Tree layout improvements

Story Points: 3
Delivered: 2.2.3

As a Launchpad developer,
I want to be able to find the files related to a particular application in a common directory;
so that I can easily see the boundaries of each application.


OpenID Track

Login-freshness OpenID extension

Story Points: 2
Delivered: 2.1.11

As a Relying Party,
I want to specify the maximum time since the user entered his password on the Launchpad OpenID Provider,
so that I can minimize the possibility of somebody just reusing an already authenticated session.

Configure access to private teams in +rpconfig

Story Points: 1
Bug: #192867 Delivered: 2.1.11

As a Launchpad administrator,
I want to be able to configure if a trust root can query private
team memberships, so that we can offer the team membership functionality
to arbitrary RP.

SSO Authentication available during upgrade

Story Points: 3
Delivered: 2.2.3

As a Launchpad SSO user,
I want to be able to log in when Launchpad is going through maintenance;
so that my other services aren't affected by the monthly Launchpad down-time.

Account Creation

Story Points: 5
Delivered: 2.2.3 (salgado)

As a Landscape User,
when I registered an account on the SSO service, I don't want a Launchpad profile page created for me,
so that my anonimity is preserved.


VersionThreeDotO/Foundations/Delivered (last edited 2009-04-21 13:20:28 by flacoste)