We need to go through the following to make sure that browser:url's have rootsite="translations", that page_title is a generic description of the view that will work well as the final breadcrumb (so, do not repeat the context in it), and that label is used for h1 titles instead of them being inside the main layout.

Note that the current devel tree may not be using the page_title as a breadcrumb yet. This is coming though; proceed as if it were.

Each section could be done in one branch. No extensive testing is needed, and you may use rs=danilo on these changes.

Language and sourcepackage pages

#431774 claimed by jtv, the greedy bastard

Translation groups

#431775 claimed by jtv


#431776 Claimed by danilo.


#431777 claimed by danilo


#431778 Claimed by henninge

POTemplates and POFiles

#431780 claimed by henninge

VersionThreeDotO/Translations/UI/Headings (last edited 2009-09-17 15:04:48 by jtv)