URL Traversal
Launchpad does two forms of traversal
- from a URL to a view
- from an Interface to a URL
These are not symmetrical (you don't go from a view to a URL or from a URL to an Interface).
Interface to URL
This is provided via the canonical.launchpad.webapp.canonical_url function.
Pure ZCML style
If possible, use the ZCML browser:url directive to configure the URL traversal
<browser:url for="canonical.launchpad.interfaces.ICodeReviewMessage" attribute_to_parent="branch_merge_proposal" path_expression="string:comments/${id}" rootsite="code" />
This specifies:
We are defining a url for the ICodeReviewMessage interface
- attribute_to_parent defines the attribute of this interface that refers to the parent interface. Remember, we are starting from a leaf, and working back to the root URL.
We are adding comments/${id} to the path of the parent Interface. Where id is the id field of the instance.
- rootsite is the subdomain this URL should be rooted at
Test cases for each URL type should be added to lib/canonical/launchpad/doc/canonical_url_examples.txt
Registering an ICanonicalUrlData adapter gives you more control, but is more verbose:
First, you need some ZCML:
<adapter factory="lp.code.model.branchtarget.get_canonical_url_data_for_target"/>
This specifies the adapter function that will convert an IBranchTarget to an ICanonicalUrlData.
Next, you need to implement the factory:
from zope.interface import implementer from zope.component import adapts @adapts(IBranchTarget) @implementer(ICanonicalUrlData) def get_canonical_url_data_for_target(branch_target): """Return the `ICanonicalUrlData` for an `IBranchTarget`.""" return ICanonicalUrlData(branch_target.context)
The function decorators helps reduce the ZCML needed for registration, they specify:
The interface that the adapter will provide: ICanonicalUrlData.
The objects that the adapter works with: IBranchTarget.
Note that this is using the context of the view to get the ICanonicalUrlData. If it were only using the view, you'd get infinite recursion.
URL to View
The parent interface should have a Navigation subclass.
For example:
class BranchMergeProposalNavigation(Navigation): usedfor = IBranchMergeProposal @stepthrough('comments') def traverse_comment(self, id): try: id = int(id) except ValueError: return None return self.context.getMessage(id)
This specifies
This Navigation subclass is for the IBranchMergeProposal interface.
- It provides one set of sub-urls: 'comments/id', where id is used to retrieve the actual content object that will be viewed.
The alternative is @stepto, which describes a specific navigation element. It provides navigation directly to the specified item.
The Navigation must be registered:
<browser:navigation module="canonical.launchpad.browser" classes="BranchMergeProposalNavigation" />
A view object must be provided for the view.
class CodeReviewMessageView(LaunchpadView): pass
It should derive from either LaunchpadView or LaunchpadFormView
The view object must be registered for the appropriate interface:
<browser:defaultView for="canonical.launchpad.interfaces.ICodeReviewMessage" name="+index" /> <browser:page name="+index" facet="branches" for="canonical.launchpad.interfaces.ICodeReviewMessage" class="canonical.launchpad.browser.CodeReviewMessageView" permission="zope.Public" template="../templates/codereviewmessage-index.pt" />
This specifies that
The default view for canonical.launchpad.interfaces.ICodeReviewMessage is named +index
The pages we're configuring are for canonical.launchpad.interfaces.ICodeReviewMessage
The pages we're configuring use canonical.launchpad.browser.CodeReviewMessageView
The branches facet should be used. This controls certain aspects of display.
The zope.Public permission is required to view the view
The +index view name is associated with the template ../templates/codereviewmessage-index.pt