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Revision 2 as of 2010-10-21 17:37:31

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Launchpad will be internationalised so that it can be translated into different languages.


Users want to be able to translate Launchpad so that it can be used in their language.

Aspects of the problem


Use cases



Schema Changes

None. The Person table already has a language column for this.

Data Migration

Code Changes

Default Language

Launchpad will select the display language by:

  1. If the user is logged in and they have a preferred language set, it is used. Also, the launchpad_language cookie is set if it differs from the Person.language.

  2. If the launchpad_language cookie is set, it is used.

  3. The browser's preferred language is used, as per the relevant HTTP headers.

The launchpad_language cookie should never expire. Other parts of the UI may also set this cookie, such as clicking on a flag.

Page template default domain

All of our page templates will be in a single translation domain. To avoid having to include the i18n:domain attribute inside every page, we need to configure it to use the Launchpad domain by default.

To do this, we will add a new command line option to sourcecode/zope/utilities/ that explicity toggles the inclusion of the default domain. This change is trivial. This change should be fed upstream.

Directory structures

Create a directory 'locales' at relevant points. ie. canonical/launchpad/locales. Inside this directory we need to create launchpad.pot. As we add translations, we also want to include a directory for each language, such as en. Within the en directory we have an LC_MESSAGES directory containing launchpad.po. The .pot file will be extracted from our source code. The .po file will be the translated output from Rosetta, except in the case of English. We need to create locales/en/LC_MESSAGES/launcpad.po with some boilerplate because the default language for launchpad is English.

# This file contains no message ids because launchpad's default
# language is English
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: launchpad\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

Existing Python Code

Python code needs access to a zope.i18n.messageid.MessageIDFactory to internationalize strings. Rather than construct this in each module, we should import them from common locations for clarity and to avoid errors.

Python modules inside canonical/launchpad should contain the following import:

   1 from canonical.launchpad import _

Other packages inside canonical may contain their own MessageIDFactory when appropriate. This should be discussed.

Strings that should be translated then need to be called as an argument to the '_' function. ie.

   1 a = 'hello'


   1 a = _('hello')

Any interpolation in strings should be done by writing placeholders as $name and providing the values to be interpolated as a dict to the mapping parameter. For example:

   1 a = 'My interpolated values: 1 = %s, 2 = %s' % ('first', 'second')


   1 a = _('My interpolated values: 1 = ${value1}, 2 = ${value2}', mapping={'value1' : 'first', 'value2' : 'second'})


The <configure> tag needs to have an i18n_domain attribute added. This will most likely only need to be done occasionally, as ZCML files should inherit the value from the ZCML document that included them. eg.

<configure xmlns="" i18n_domain="launchpad">

In the file lib/canonical/launchpad/configure.zcml, we need to register the message catalogs:

<configure xmlns=""
    <i18n:registerTranslations directory="locales" />

The filename of the message cataglog in the locales directory must match the domain name (as per gettext).

Test Suite

The test runner needs to be updated to run the tests in a specific locale.

UI Changes

We will be using ZPT's default domain for our Launchpad templates. This means that i18ning ZPT pages is simply a case of changing:

<div title="Some title">Some text</div>


<div title="Some title" i18n:attributes="title" i18n:translate="">Some text</div>

or if you wish to explicitly list your message ids:

<div title="Some title" i18n:attributes="title some-title" i18n:translate="some-text">Some text</div>

Note that you can translate multiple attributes by seperating the i18n:attributes items with a semi colon:

<img alt="foo" title="bar" src="baz.gif" i18n:attributes="alt; title title-msg-id" />

More information about page template internationalization can be found at:

For a real life example, here is a fragment of the Launchpad homepage showing it before and after the i18n markup has been added:

<p>Rosetta is a <b>web-based translation portal</b>. If your
application uses the open source standard <i>gettext</i>
system for software internationalisation, then you can easily have
users contribute translations for your software through Rosetta.
You simply upload the existing translations, point your community
at Rosetta and then download their translations before you make
your release. <a title="Rosetta" href="rosetta">Translate now!</a>

<p i18n:translate="rosetta-blurb">Rosetta is a
<b>web-based translation portal</b>. If your application uses the
open source standard <i>gettext</i>
system for software internationalisation, then you can easily have
users contribute translations for your software through Rosetta.
You simply upload the existing translations, point your community
at Rosetta and then download their translations before you make
your release. <a i18n:attributes="title" title="Rosetta"
href="rosetta" i18n:translate="">Translate now!</a></p>

Note that in this example, some of the nested inline tags have been left as part of the rosetta-blurb string, whilst the final anchor tag has been broken out into a seperate translatable string.

Extracting translatable strings and translating

For Launchpad, the string extractor process will be run using:

% make potemplates

This will run the following command:

python sourcecode/zope/utilities/ \
    -d launchpad -p lib/canonical/launchpad \
    -o locales

This will store a generated file lib/canoncal/launchpad/locales/launchpad.pot

This file needs to be added to revision control.

This generated .pot file will be uploaded to the production Launchpad server for translation using Rosetta. Ideally, this will be done automatically by PQM on commit.

On a regular basis, and when tagging production releases, the .po files need to be downloaded from Rosetta. scripts/ will be written to extract the Rosetta output into the correct location and baz add them if they are not already under revision control.


Internationalizing Launchpad will affect our rollout procedures. All but the most trivial changes will change the english text and require translators to update their translations. If we fail to get the translations done before rollout, our internationalization efforts will look cheap and dodgy - hardly a ringing endorsement for Launchpad, Ubuntu or Canonical. This means we will need to move to a much stricter freeze/staging/rollout model, as discussed in WeeklyPlannedRollouts. However, we may find we need up to a month of code freeze to get the translations in. Also, unless we employ the translators, we are relying on community generosity to keep Launchpad internationalized. This means that we will need to be careful about what languages we enable Launchpad to run in, as we will need to ensure that Launchpad has not only been translated, but that there is someone interested enough in maintaining the translation on a regular basis.

Unresolved Issues

Questions and Answers

Reviewer comments
