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Revision 1 as of 2010-01-27 10:21:31

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Better +filebug BLOB processing

The problem

The solution

... this version of the parser has already been Bjornified and is about a tillenion times faster than it was previously. I guess we're hitting a new limit now.

-- allenap

Requirements for a solution

  1. Parsing must not happen in the request.
  2. There must be a way that the +filebug page can query to see whether its extra data has been processed yet.
  3. The user must be informed that the processing is hapening.
  4. The user shouldn't be kept waiting too long (obviously this depends upon how long processing is going to take, but it does mean that our cronjob to run the Jobs will have to be at very short intervals).
  5. Once processing has completed - and not before - the user must be allowed to continue with the +filebug process.

Nice-to-haves for a solution