This document is now obsolete. The communications plan for re-enabling bug expiration on Launchpad outlined here has been completed.
The notes below are preserved from the original discussion/work.
Communication for Bug Expiry Plan
Note: These times recently changed after discussions with Kate Stewart, Ubuntu release manager, who wanted to wait to re-enable bug expiry until after Maverick's release.
week of 27 September 2010
- Query DB for bug superviser or project owners that have bug expiration enabled.
Send an email to this group stating that bug expiration is coming in two weeks, that bug expiration will be disabled for projects as a precaution, that this group will need to re-enable bug expiration at <link> if they want to make use of this when it begins again.
- Send an announcement of the coming change to Launchpad users mailing list and ubuntu-devel list
- Post an announcement of the coming change to Launchpad blog
week of 4 October 2010
- Wait patiently, answer email/IRC questions
- Ensure everything looks good to be expiring the right bugs
week of 11 October 2010
- Send email to ubuntu-devel reminding of the coming change
- Note: we will not disable for Ubuntu by default since the change is a result of UDS discussions
- Do test run of expiring script on staging (QA has already been done once with status, but this would be to ensure no new problems exist.)
week of 18 October 2010
- Turn on script for bug expiry
update the BugExpiry help page that this is active again
- Post Launchpad blog that this is now active again
18 October 2010 is the target date for re-enabling bug expiry.
update: everything went fine with this timeline until the last week (the week of 18 October). Grant statements are missing with Postgresql 8.4 migration, and with UDS the week after, I (deryck) haven't been able to get a successful test run yet. This is being worked on currently and should be resolved soon.