First Cut of Build Branch to Archive
The purpose of this page is to outline the work that we are going to do for the initial cut, and the proposed (loose) order for getting it done.
The rationale behind this is we'd like to have something actually happen when we get to the stage of having a user use the user interface to create a recipe.
I suggest that we work back end forward. We can use the object factory for all the tests, page tests included. Use the factory inside the harness to see how things are looking for secondary pages - like the recipes for a branch.
Note: nothing is set in concrete
URLs may change, recipe internals may change, we may all turn into flying monkeys.
Canonical URL for recipes
A canonical url for a recipe will be: ~owner/+recipe/recipename
The following content classes will be adaptable to IHasRecipes:
- IBranch
- IProject
- IDistro
- IDistroSeries
- ISourcePackage
- IDistroSourcePackage
Pages for a recipe
Recipe Index
The index page will have links to edit all the editable fields. The recipe contents will be editable in a separate view from the rest of the recipe. Eventually, we can probably use the lazr-js widgets that correspond with each form field for editing inline.
Recipe Build History
This is a simple page that shows the complete build history with links to the build records, etc.
Add Recipe
Eventually, we'd like to implement a better method for creating a recipe (like a wizard that will actually write the recipe contents for the user (making it easier to create a recipe). For now, we'll prepopulate the debian version string field, and automatically start the recipe contents with the bzr-builder version string.
Edit Recipe
Basic editing page... This flow provides for people without javascript enabled.
Recipe Listings
The listing view will be available for all content classes providing IHasRecipes.
Request builds
The page for requesting a build of a given recipe.
Branch Index New Recipe Portlet
On a branch page, we'll add a portlet for viewing the build history of all related recipes, with a link to view the recipe listings as well as a link to create a new recipe for the branch.
A recipe should be exposed as a web service entry.
Still left to do
Aaron brought up the fact that we aren't showing the next planned build of the recipe, which is actually pretty important. Something needs to be displayed in the recipe build history and the recipe listings like "Build scheduled in 2 hours" or "Build pending - ETA 30 minutes"