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Revision 4 as of 2010-02-10 14:46:49

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A typical daily build use-case

Yong-Shik works on the ereader project and has a number of PPAs including 'ereader_daily' and 'ereader_beta'. He now wants to automate his daily builds.

Setting up the daily build

REDO: This could be achieved by adding scheduling options to the previous mockups: Build now overlay with scheduling (or simply a checkbox - no need for extra dropdowns).

Yong-Shik opens the Launchpad page for his devel branch and then

  1. clicks on the "Build now" button, (MOCKUP-REQUIRED)
  2. He selects his PPA, checks multiple distroseries, checks the dev-version template, selects the 'Build this branch daily' option, and hits build (MOCKUP-REQUIRED)
  3. The branch page updates displaying (some-what prominently) 'This branch is built daily by Yong-Shik to the PPA EReader daily builds.' (Note question about multiple daily builds, official/unofficial etc.)

Editing the daily build


Notes for graceful degradation - non-js version

See also

Unresolved questions