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Try the build slave locally

This overlaps in part with HowToUseSoyuzLocally which I found out about too late.

Build the package

  cd lib/canonical/buildd
  debian/rules package
  dpkg-buildpackage -b

Package is lib/canonical/launchpad-buildd*all.deb

Set up pbuilder chroot

To avoid installing the launchpad-buildd package on my computer, I use pbuilder to create an manage a chroot environment. Like me, you can configure MIRRORSITE in /etc/pbuildderrc to use a closer mirror, if you want. Then do

  sudo pbuilder --create --distribution lucid
  sudo pbuilder --login --save-after-login

Now you should find yourself inside the chroot. To satisfy the NTP needs of the launcahpd-buildd, define it to be the IP of or whatever NTP server you like.

  echo "  ntp.buildd" >> /etc/hosts

After exit, the chroot will be re-packaged by pbuilder to save the changes. You might choose to save other steps as well but usually I configure the chroot whenever I run it, like so.

  sudo pbuilder --login --inputfile lib/canonical/launchpad-buildd*all.deb

Inside the chroot again: Install and start buildd:

  dpkg -i /tmp/buildd/launchpad-buildd*all.deb
  apt-get -f install
  /etc/init.d/launchpad-buildd start

We need a package to try out the generation of translation templates. Eventually this will be pulled in via bazaar but now I do it manually. Obviously, this is specific to this type of build. Inside the chroot edit /etc/apt/sources.list to enable the deb-src line. Then pull in a source pacakge. Gimp has a couple of translation templates.

  apt-get update
  cd /home/buildd
  su buildd
  apt-get source gimp

Upload chroot to librarian

Outside the chroot, in another terminal (leave the buildd in the chroot running!) Get the builder chroot from We need a running librarian now.

  make run (make start_librarian didn't work)
  scripts/upload2librarian -f chroot-ubuntu-lucid-i386.tar.bz2

Copy that URL for the next step.

Drive slave through rpc

With the libranrian still running, fire up a python shell.

  >>> import xmlrpclib
  >>> proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://localhost:8221/rpc')
  >>> proxy.ensurepresent('f1f10b8402ed686aaf0307676c76f07b45af2a09', '', '', '')
  >>>'1-1', 'translation-templates', 'f1f10b8402ed686aaf0307676c76f07b45af2a09', {}, {'branch_url': '/home/buildd/gimp-2.6.8'})
  >>> proxy.status()
  >>> proxy.clean() # Clean up if it failed

Inspect buildlog

Inside the chroot:

  less /home/bulidd/.../buildlog