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We should move the package importer to be more part of Launchpad.

There are two parts to the package importer, the controller and the slaves.

Parts of the controller are similar to the job system, with the slaves being like jobs.

As a first step we will keep the slaves as API clients, and just run them from the job system.

We will have a cronscript which queries the job system for jobs to run and launches the slave jobs as necessary. We will hope to make this event-based when messaging is available.

The controller first has a thread to poll launchpad for new package publishings. We can convert this to use zope events.

When an event is received a job needs to be created that refers to the package. This job will then be picked up by the cronscript.

Open questions:

Code/PackageImporter (last edited 2011-01-26 20:50:26 by jameinel)