1 <matsubara> #startmeeting
2 <MootBot> Meeting started at 10:00. The chair is matsubara.
3 <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
4 <matsubara> Welcome to this week's Launchpad Production Meeting. For the next 45 minutes or so, we'll be coordinating the resolution of specific Launchpad bugs and issues.
5 <matsubara> [TOPIC] Roll Call
6 <MootBot> New Topic: Roll Call
7 <matsubara> Not on the Launchpad Dev team? Welcome! Come "me" with the rest of us!
8 <sinzui> me
9 <gary_poster> me
10 <Chex> me
11 * henninge (n=henning@canonical/launchpad/henninge) has joined #launchpad-meeting
12 <henninge> me
13 <matsubara> rockstar, allenap, hi
14 <henninge> hi matsubara
15 <henninge> ;)
16 <matsubara> hi henninge, thanks for standing in for daniloff
17 <allenap> me
18 <matsubara> ok, let's move on. rockstar can join in later
19 <matsubara> apologies from Ursula and bigjools
20 <matsubara> [TOPIC] Agenda
21 <MootBot> New Topic: Agenda
22 <henninge> matsubara: rockstar's in Wellington AFAIK
23 <mrjazzcat> Brian is also attending
24 <matsubara> oh, ok, so apologies from rockstar as well :-)
25 <matsubara> hi Brian, welcome!
26 <mrjazzcat> thanks
27 <matsubara> mrjazzcat, ^
28 <matsubara> * Actions from last meeting
29 <matsubara> * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts
30 <matsubara> * Operations report (mthaddon/Chex/spm/mbarnett)
31 <matsubara> * DBA report (stub)
32 <matsubara> * Proposed items
33 <matsubara> [TOPIC] * Actions from last meeting
34 <MootBot> New Topic: * Actions from last meeting
35 <matsubara> * salgado to take bugs 504300 and 504291 to foundations discussion
36 <matsubara> * Chex to discuss with rockstar about bug 497945
37 <matsubara> Chex, did you have a chance to discuss that bug with rockstar?
38 <matsubara> gary_poster, any news about those two foundations bugs?
39 <matsubara> hmm
40 <matsubara> ok, I can see that both are in progress
41 <gary_poster> 1 sec
42 <matsubara> so that's fine
43 <gary_poster> ty
44 <Chex> matsubara: no I did not, sorry.
45 <matsubara> Chex, 497945 is a dupe of 486076, can it be considered actioned upon?
46 <matsubara> not sure on the nature of the discussion from the previous meeting action
47 <Chex> matsubara: I think the git import issue is less of an issue as I think that server received a large RAM upgrade, but it should still be looked at..
48 <matsubara> Chex, it's assigned to Jelmer
49 <matsubara> Chex, would you like this action item to be brought again in the next meeting?
50 <Chex> matsubara: no I think we can close it down for now, I will bring it up again if it becomes an issue later, thank you
51 <matsubara> thanks Chex
52 <matsubara> so let's move on
53 <matsubara> [TOPIC] * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts
54 <MootBot> New Topic: * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts
55 <Chex> hi everyone, quick report today..
56 <matsubara> We have 3 oopses needing attention, one for henninge, one for allenap and another one for rockstar
57 <matsubara> Chex, hang in there, buddy
58 <Chex> - LP Librarian space issue: Bug# 506489: We still need help with
59 <Chex> addressing the space issues on the librarian, can someone let us
60 <Chex> know the latest status of helping us cleaning up space?
61 <Chex> - LP incidents of note:
62 <Chex> ; LP Cherry-picks: revno 8811 rolled out to lpnet 08-Jan,
63 <Chex> revno 8812 rolled out to lpnet 13-Jan
64 <Chex> oh sorry
65 <matsubara> hehe
66 <matsubara> no worries
67 <henninge> matsubara: bug 506925 is mine and the fix is next up in pqm - after the current cp is through ....
68 <matsubara> allenap, https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1474EA771 doesn't look like bug 329917. it has the same exception type but looks like a differnt bug
69 <matsubara> can you confirm?
70 <matsubara> henninge, I was wondering about https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+bug/507498
71 * allenap looks
72 <matsubara> and the one for the code team is https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/507487
73 <matsubara> which I'll email tim about
74 <matsubara> [action] matsubara to email tim about https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/507487
75 <MootBot> ACTION received: matsubara to email tim about https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/507487
76 <matsubara> henninge, sorry for the crap description. not sure if it describes the problem well. it looks like a high priority bug since it OOPSes on GET to that page
77 <allenap> matsubara: That does look like a different bug. Very odd. I'll file a bug and take it to the team.
78 <matsubara> [action] allenap to file a bug about OOPS-1474EA771 and discuss it with Bugs team.
79 <henninge> matsubara: seems spurious, I can GET that page now ...
80 <MootBot> ACTION received: allenap to file a bug about OOPS-1474EA771 and discuss it with Bugs team.
81 <matsubara> thanks allenap
82 <matsubara> henninge, it still oopses for me
83 <matsubara> so likely to be a permission issue
84 <matsubara> maybe because you're a rosetta admin?
85 <henninge> matsubara: yes
86 <henninge> oh, probably
87 * henninge logs out
88 <matsubara> henninge, can you (or assign someone in Translations) to get that one fixed this cycle?
89 <henninge> matsubara: all sick or on sprint, I'll do it.
90 <henninge> ;-)
91 <matsubara> thanks a lot henninge
92 <matsubara> [action] henninge to fix bug 507498
93 <MootBot> ACTION received: henninge to fix bug 507498
94 <matsubara> I'll add a note to the bug report that it doesn't oops for rosetta admins :-)
95 <henninge> cheers
96 * salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
97 <matsubara> we had a couple of script failures since last week
98 <matsubara> rosetta-export-queue
99 <matsubara> translations-import-queue-gardener
100 <henninge> matsubara: that's what my current fix in pqm is fore (export-queue)
101 <matsubara> allocate-revision-karma
102 <henninge> matsubara: jtv submitted a fix for the gardener
103 <matsubara> and another one for update-cache
104 <henninge> matsubara: and some sql for the immediate fix.
105 <matsubara> sinzui, any news about the allocate-revision-karma and update-cache?
106 <matsubara> henninge, that's great. thank you
107 <sinzui> matsubara: the former stopped the latter from running
108 <matsubara> sinzui, and is there work in progress to fix the karma script?
109 <sinzui> matsubara: the former (allocate-revision-karma) is something that the code-team thought was fixed, but we may be experiencing a reversion
110 <sinzui> matsubara: revisions are code-team
111 <matsubara> oh, it's a code team issue.
112 <matsubara> all right. I'll email tim about it as well
113 <matsubara> thanks sinzui
114 <matsubara> [action] matsubara to email tim about allocate-revision-karma script still blowing up
115 <MootBot> ACTION received: matsubara to email tim about allocate-revision-karma script still blowing up
116 <sinzui> matsubara: That was broken a few weeks ago because it tried to recalculate the ENTIRE history. and it went into recursion. Tim landed a fix only work with recent changes
117 <matsubara> we have 8 critical bugs, 4 fix committed, 2 in progress, 1 triaged and 1 new (bad!)
118 <matsubara> gary_poster, can you take a look at the one which is new (bug 504696)?
119 <gary_poster> matsubara: yes
120 <matsubara> [action] matsubara to talk to someone from soyuz about critical bug 506489
121 <MootBot> ACTION received: matsubara to talk to someone from soyuz about critical bug 506489
122 <matsubara> [action] gary_poster to triage and assign bug 504696
123 <MootBot> ACTION received: gary_poster to triage and assign bug 504696
124 <matsubara> thanks gary_poster
125 <gary_poster> matsubara: stub is working on it. Will adjust bug status to show
126 <matsubara> [action] matsubara to cancel previous action item. it's already done
127 <MootBot> ACTION received: matsubara to cancel previous action item. it's already done
128 <matsubara> thanks gary_poster
129 <matsubara> sinzui, was it cp?
130 <matsubara> maybe it's still blowing up because the code is not running with the fix?
131 <sinzui> matsubara: I believe it was because the errors disappeared for a few fays
132 <matsubara> sinzui, oh, right. I'll talk to tim about it them. thanks for the info
133 <matsubara> moving on. thanks everyone
134 <matsubara> [TOPIC] * Operations report (mthaddon/Chex/spm/mbarnett)
135 <MootBot> New Topic: * Operations report (mthaddon/Chex/spm/mbarnett)
136 <matsubara> Chex, now it's your turn, take the stage please :-)
137 * mbarnett prepares to heckle
138 * henninge looks up heckle
139 * matsubara too
140 <henninge> ah! we are all quiet, though... ;-)
141 <Chex> sorry everyone, I will repost the report
142 <Chex> - LP Librarian space issue: Bug# 506489: We still need help with
143 <Chex> addressing the space issues on the librarian, can someone let us
144 <gary_poster> bah, you all don't know what heckle means? What kind of IRC participation is this?!
145 <Chex> know the latest status of helping us cleaning up space?
146 <Chex> - LP incidents of note:
147 <Chex> ; LP Cherry-picks: revno 8811 rolled out to lpnet 08-Jan,
148 <Chex> revno 8812 rolled out to lpnet 13-Jan
149 * gary_poster demonstrates heckling
150 <henninge> gary_poster: lol!
151 <Chex> and thats the report for this week..
152 <flacoste> about the librarian space issue
153 * andrea-bs (n=andrea-b@ubuntu/member/beeseek.developer.andrea-bs) has joined #launchpad-meeting
154 <flacoste> bigjools was testing a query to reclaim some space yesterday
155 <flacoste> Bjorn was to approve it
156 * ubottu (n=supybot@ubuntu/bot/ubottu) has joined #launchpad-meeting
157 <flacoste> i don't know if it happened or not
158 <flacoste> there is no record on the bug
159 <flacoste> nor on LPS
160 <flacoste> so we'll have to ask when they wake up in Wellington
161 <matsubara> flacoste, I'll email bigjools about that bug today and will ask for an update in the bug report
162 <Chex> flacoste: ok, sounds good, thanks for the update
163 * ubottu has quit (Excess Flood)
164 <matsubara> thanks Chex and flacoste (and gary_poster for the heckling demo :-))
165 <matsubara> let's move on
166 <gary_poster> :-) np
167 <matsubara> [TOPIC] * DBA report (stub)
168 <MootBot> New Topic: * DBA report (stub)
169 <matsubara> stub sent the report to the list. if you have question it's better to follow up there
170 <matsubara> I won't paste it here because it was sent to the private list
171 * ubottu (n=supybot@ubuntu/bot/ubottu) has joined #launchpad-meeting
172 <matsubara> so let's move on
173 <matsubara> [TOPIC] * Proposed items
174 <MootBot> New Topic: * Proposed items
175 <matsubara> there is no proposed item
176 <matsubara> anything else before I close?
177 * henninge_ (n=henning@canonical/launchpad/henninge) has joined #launchpad-meeting
178 <matsubara> Thank you all for attending this week's Launchpad Production Meeting. See https://dev.launchpad.net/MeetingAgenda for the logs.
179 <matsubara> #endmeeting