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   1 <Ursinha> #startmeeting
   2 <MootBot> Meeting started at 11:02. The chair is Ursinha.
   3 <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
   4 <sinzui> me
   5 <Ursinha> sigh
   6 <matsubara> me
   7 <Ursinha> [TOPIC] Roll Call
   8 <Ursinha> Not on the Launchpad Dev team? Welcome! Come "me" with the rest of us! 
   9 <MootBot> New Topic:  Roll Call
  10 <Ursinha> meeeeee
  11 <sinzui> me
  12 <Chex> me
  13 <matsubara> me
  14 <Ursinha> sinzui is here several times
  15 <Ursinha> bigjools, 
  16 <Ursinha> hi
  17 * bigjools excuses himself from the meeting
  18 <Ursinha> I guess we don't have a bugs' person here
  19 <bigjools> UDS...
  20 <Ursinha> bigjools, I  have one question for you in the oops section, should be easy for you :)
  21 <Ursinha> ok
  22 <Ursinha> [TOPIC] Agenda
  23 <Ursinha>  * Actions from last meeting
  24 <Ursinha>  * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts
  25 <Ursinha>  * Operations report (mthaddon/Chex/spm/mbarnett)
  26 <Ursinha>  * DBA report (stub)
  27 <Ursinha>  * QA stats of the week
  28 <Ursinha>  * Proposed items
  29 <MootBot> New Topic:  Agenda
  30 <Ursinha> [TOPIC] * Actions from last meeting
  31 <MootBot> New Topic:  * Actions from last meeting
  32 <Ursinha>     * Ursinha to triage lp-qa-tools bugs
  33 <Ursinha>        * done.
  34 <Ursinha>     * matsubara to talk to foundations about OOPS-1585G1243
  35 <Ursinha>         * Talked to Gary about it and filed
  36 <Ursinha>     * adeuring to follow up on calculate_bug_heat script failure
  37 <Ursinha>     * matsubara to chase landing for bug 574493
  38 <Ursinha>         * Landed and CP'ed
  39 <Ursinha>     * matsubara to chase landing for bug 575426
  40 <Ursinha>         * Landed and CP'ed
  41 <Ursinha>     * matsubara to ask for the DBA report
  42 <Ursinha>         * emailed stub asking for it
  43 <Ursinha>     * all QA contacts to take orphaned commits' lists to their teams to check if were left untested items behind because they were orphaned commits
  44 <Ursinha> bot is sleeping 
  45 <Ursinha> my stuff is ok, so is matsubara's
  46 <Ursinha> adeuring is not here to follow up on his item
  47 <Ursinha> [action] Ursinha to chase adeuring abour calculate_bug_heat failing script
  48 <MootBot> ACTION received:  Ursinha to chase adeuring abour calculate_bug_heat failing script
  49 * ubottu has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  50 <Ursinha> about the orphaned commits, we can discuss that in the QA section
  51 <Ursinha> moving on
  52 <Ursinha> [TOPIC] * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts
  53 <MootBot> New Topic:  * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts
  54 <Ursinha> One bug and one oops for code team, and one oops to soyuz
  55 <Ursinha> the code bug is bug 579004, triaged high and targetted to 10.05, seems to affect only staging
  56 <Ursinha> fine
  57 <Ursinha> the oops: rockstar, any ideas?
  58 <Ursinha>, NotOneError seems to be bug 523346, already fix released, but I still see that happening
  59 <Ursinha> bigjools, is that the same thing? ^
  60 <bigjools> Ursinha: gah
  61 <rockstar> Ursinha, I'll file a bug.
  62 <bigjools> it's related
  63 <Ursinha> thanks rockstar
  64 <Ursinha> bigjools, may I file another bug?
  65 <bigjools> Ursinha: yes please, and mention that other one
  66 * ubottu (~supybot@ubuntu/bot/ubottu) has joined #launchpad-meeting
  67 <Ursinha> bigjools, sure
  68 <bigjools> thanks
  69 <Ursinha> [action] Ursinha to file a bug for OOPS-1593EC1021, related to bug 523346
  70 <MootBot> ACTION received:  Ursinha to file a bug for OOPS-1593EC1021, related to bug 523346
  71 <Ursinha> thanks rockstar and bigjools, I love you both
  72 <Ursinha> moving on
  73 <Ursinha> calculate_bug_heat and upgrade_branches were the last scripts to fail
  74 <Ursinha> rockstar, do you know about the upgrade_branches? is that related to code as it seems?
  75 <bigjools> heh :)
  76 <rockstar> Ursinha, yes.  That script is my baby.
  77 <Ursinha> rockstar, oh, it seems it's been crying on his last runs
  78 <Ursinha> or its :)
  79 <rockstar> Ursinha, I'll look into it.
  80 <Ursinha> thanks rockstar 
  81 <Ursinha> much appreciated
  82 <ubottu> Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (
  83 <ubottu>
  84 <ubottu> Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (
  85 <ubottu>
  86 <rockstar> Ursinha, the conjugated form was correct, since it's a conjugation of "it" and "has"
  87 <Ursinha> [action] rockstar to look into upgrade_branches failures
  88 <MootBot> ACTION received:  rockstar to look into upgrade_branches failures
  89 <Ursinha> rockstar, I was referring to s/his/its/ ;)
  90 <Ursinha> s/;)/:)
  91 <Ursinha> thanks :)
  92 <Ursinha> we have three critical bugs, two already fix committed: bug 574142 and bug 574493
  93 <Ursinha> gary_poster, sinzui, are those two going to be or were CPed? 
  94 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 574142 in launchpad-registry "Could not adapt ProductSeries to IBranchTarget" [Critical,Fix committed]
  95 <ubottu> Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (
  96 <Ursinha> there's one in progress, code, bug 578331, last comment was danilos'
  97 <Ursinha> how is that?
  98 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 578331 in launchpad-code "exporting to bzr seems broken since a few days" [Critical,In progress]
  99 <mwhudson> i think it's fix committed now?
 100 <danilos> Ursinha, it's on production-stable, needs CPing
 101 <Ursinha> oh, so mwhudson is here
 102 <mwhudson> oops
 103 <Ursinha> camper :)
 104 <mwhudson> my cover is busted
 105 <danilos>
 106 <sinzui> Ursinha, it is fix released, I updated it
 107 <sinzui> now
 108 <gary_poster> Ursinha, I'm remebering only one critical and it has been CP'd--the log-out one
 109 <Ursinha> thanks sinzui 
 110 <Ursinha> gary_poster, that one seems private, let me see
 111 <matsubara> Ursinha, 574493 was CP'ed
 112 <gary_poster> bug 574493, right?
 113 <ubottu> Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (
 114 <gary_poster> that's CP'd
 115 <Ursinha> gary_poster, yes
 116 <gary_poster> cool
 117 <Ursinha> matsubara, gary_poster, so, it's fix released :) could you mark it as such, please?
 118 <Ursinha> or I can do that :)
 119 <gary_poster> will do
 120 <Ursinha> thank you
 121 <Ursinha> danilos, are you taking care of that CP?
 122 <matsubara> I didn't mark as fix released before because of gary's comment saying the fix was CP'd but not landed on devel. I was waiting for it to reach devel a go through the usual process
 123 <matsubara> s/a/and/
 124 <danilos> Ursinha, will do
 125 <gary_poster> matsubara, ack.  It happened early this morning
 126 <Ursinha> matsubara, that's ok, I was just wondering if they could be closed now
 127 <Ursinha> danilos, thanks
 128 <Ursinha> [action] danilos to take care of CPing bug 578331 fix
 129 <MootBot> ACTION received:  danilos to take care of CPing bug 578331 fix
 130 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 578331 in launchpad-code "exporting to bzr seems broken since a few days" [Critical,Fix committed]
 131 <Ursinha> good
 132 <Ursinha> [TOPIC] * Operations report (mthaddon/Chex/spm/mbarnett)
 133 <MootBot> New Topic:  * Operations report (mthaddon/Chex/spm/mbarnett)
 134 <Ursinha> Chex, stage is all yours
 135 <Chex> hello everyone, here is this weeks LOSA report:
 136 <Chex> - Applied LP security fix for Bug# 578914
 137 <Chex>         : Rolled out in security mode, applying CP's to codebrowse & codehost, and cowboy edge.
 138 <Chex> - Bug 531071: app servers leaking memory
 139 <Chex>         : We have a few dump-logs now ( LPIncidentLog ) , has anyone looked at or could look at these to debug the issues here?
 140 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 531071 in launchpad-foundations "lpnet app servers are leaking memory again" [High,Triaged]
 141 <Chex>  - LP incidents of note: : Codebrowse fixed from hourly restarts after last week rollout, but still needs restarting, daily, or more. : ftp/poppy service crashed a few times this week, Bug 414482
 142 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 414482 in soyuz "upload daemon poppy dies often" [Medium,Triaged]
 143 <Chex>         : Apr-11: CP 9339 App Servers & codehost/crowberry
 144 <Chex>         : Apr-12: CP 9341 to germanium/cocoplum
 145 <Chex>         : Apr-12: CP 9342 to lpnet/cocoplum & loganberry-bzrsyncd
 146 <Chex> questions/comments on the report?
 147 <danilos> I guess that's May, or an abbreviation for something like "Anonymous Public Report" :)
 148 <Chex> wow, yes sorry
 149 <Chex> .. s/Apr/May/ my mistake.
 150 <danilos> Chex, should we try to get bigjools to up the priority on poppy bug?
 151 <danilos> Chex, if that's bigjools territory at all?
 152 <bigjools> it is
 153 <bigjools> but it's a bug in zope
 154 <bigjools> so we're working around that by writing a new sftp server :)
 155 <Ursinha> what a workaround :)
 156 <danilos> woohoo, simple workarounds :)
 157 <gary_poster> probably late for this, but I'm always happy to try and apply pressure withing Zope community if necessary
 158 <bigjools> good to know, thanks
 159 <Ursinha> ok, anyone else?
 160 <Ursinha> bug 531071 maybe?
 161 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 531071 in launchpad-foundations "lpnet app servers are leaking memory again" [High,Triaged]
 162 <Ursinha> gary_poster, ^
 163 <Ursinha> this is already targeted to 10.04
 164 <gary_poster> we now have some meliae outputs as of the past week.  I'll be investigating them soon.
 165 <Chex> Ursinha: gary_poster: we have crash dumps of what was requested now on the app servers, if we can work with someone who wants to look at this
 166 <Ursinha> s/already/still/
 167 <Chex> gary_poster: ah fair enough, thank you
 168 <gary_poster> Chex: (I assume they are the same ones you are talking about--spm sent us some emails)
 169 <Ursinha> gary_poster, may I target that to this cycle? 
 170 <Chex> gary_poster: yes I think so, what I saw in the incident logs was in spm
 171 <Chex> 's timeframe, so.
 172 <gary_poster> Chex: cool
 173 <gary_poster> Ursinha: too late ;-) but thanks
 174 <Ursinha> haha, thanks gary_poster :)
 175 <Ursinha> moving on then :)
 176 <Ursinha> [TOPIC] * DBA report (stub)
 177 <Ursinha> [action] send email to stub about the dba report of the week
 178 <MootBot> New Topic:  * DBA report (stub)
 179 <MootBot> ACTION received:  send email to stub about the dba report of the week
 180 <Ursinha> [TOPIC] * QA stats of the week
 181 <MootBot> New Topic:  * QA stats of the week
 182 <Ursinha> Untested items per team:
 183 <Ursinha> Code: 3
 184 <Ursinha> Foundations: 2
 185 <Ursinha> Registry: 0
 186 <Ursinha> Bugs: 3
 187 <Ursinha> Translations: 2
 188 <Ursinha> Soyuz: 3
 189 <Ursinha> Strategy: 0
 190 <gary_poster> Untested == QA?
 191 <gary_poster> duh
 192 <gary_poster> yes
 193 <Ursinha> :)
 194 <Ursinha> one thing I notice is that since we started using tags, we've been having less untested items at once
 195 <Ursinha> which is cool
 196 <Ursinha> :)
 197 <Ursinha> Untriaged bugs per project:
 198 <Ursinha> malone: 17
 199 <Ursinha> launchpad-buildd: 12
 200 <Ursinha> lp-dev-utils: 9
 201 <Ursinha> launchpadlib: 9
 202 <Ursinha> launchpad-dev-moin-theme: 6
 203 <Ursinha> launchpad-code: 5
 204 <Ursinha> launchpad-foundations: 3
 205 <Ursinha> soyuz: 3
 206 <Ursinha> launchpad-help-moin-theme: 3
 207 <Ursinha> lpbuildbot: 2
 208 <Ursinha> trac-launchpad-migrator: 2
 209 <Ursinha> launchpad-news-wordpress-theme: 2
 210 <Ursinha> launchpad-cscvs: 2
 211 <Ursinha> launchpad: 1
 212 <Ursinha> launchpad-web: 1
 213 <Ursinha> launchpad-loggerhead: 1
 214 <Ursinha> launchpad-documentation: 1
 215 <Ursinha> tickcount: 1
 216 <gary_poster> agreed
 217 <Ursinha> we're not that bad triaging bugs as well
 218 <Ursinha> about the orphaned commits
 219 <Ursinha> last week I asked the QA contacts to check with their teams all OCs that are yours, to see if we're leaving untested things behind
 220 <Ursinha> sinzui answered me, what about the others?
 221 <matsubara> I suck. I forgot to bring that up with my team
 222 <Ursinha> and
 223 <Ursinha> rockstar, and you?
 224 <rockstar> We talked about it.  I don't know if anyone did anything about it.
 225 <sinzui> I will bring up the branch-link-to-bug issue in the next reviewers meeting. Many contributors do not do this
 226 <danilos> Ursinha, I totally don't remember the discussion, which means that I suck
 227 <Ursinha> :)
 228 <sinzui> We could make ec2 land require a linked bug
 229 <Ursinha> c'mon people :)
 230 <Ursinha> sinzui, guess the problem is that not all commits really require bugs
 231 <rockstar> Oh no, I think we did talk about it, and determined that there were no orphaned commits.
 232 <Ursinha> and not everyone uses ec2
 233 <wgrant> What about refactorings?
 234 <sinzui> right
 235 <Ursinha> ah, hello wgrant :)
 236 <rockstar> However, we're also not linking bugs to branches in many cases.
 237 <wgrant> Ursinha: Yeah, I'm not asleep for once :P
 238 <sinzui> pqm submit certain is not
 239 <Ursinha> wgrant, :P
 240 <rockstar> Ursinha, we haven't really been tracking QA in the bugtracker - We've been using our Kanban board.
 241 <matsubara> if you use --fixes=lp:NNNN when you commit, then when you push the branch to LP, it'll be linked automatically
 242 <Ursinha> rockstar, I see. this is not good, but we fall again in the kanban board/lp integration
 243 <Ursinha> problem
 244 <matsubara> and the tagging script will find out which bug was fixed by that commit, even if it's not mentioned in the commit message
 245 <rockstar> Ursinha, well, we have two tools essentially doing the same thing.
 246 <Ursinha> rockstar, also what matsubara said
 247 <sinzui> I still use the milestone because I am tracking every registry related blueprint and bug that I may be required to land a RC for
 248 <danilos> Ursinha, fwiw, I've looked through the orphan commits now and there is only one by a translations dev and that one was qa-ok :)
 249 <Ursinha> I don't know what everyone else agrees, but I think we should maintain lp updated so when we integrate that with kanban we'll all be used to the lp dance
 250 <Ursinha> thanks danilos 
 251 <sinzui> Every contributor or even developer from another team gets their in progress bugs targets to a milestone and I verify the number of fix committed is the same number as qa-ok
 252 <rockstar> Ursinha, asking us to keep two duplicate tools in sync manually seems crazy.
 253 <gary_poster> Foundations often has multiple commits as we pursue a larger bug
 254 <Ursinha> rockstar, but is that hard to use --fixes or link a bug to a branch?
 255 <sinzui> danilos, the registry orphaned commits were for contributor branches that we landed and for testfix
 256 <rockstar> Ursinha, no, but I don't want to create a kanban task AND a bug for something I'm about to do.
 257 <danilos> sinzui, I count adiroiban as a translations developer as well :)
 258 <rockstar> And then move them both through their own separate processes.
 259 <gary_poster> We also have kanban cards for our tasks
 260 <rockstar> I can't use --fixes if there isn't a bug...
 261 <Ursinha> rockstar, I thought that the whole team had agreed on using lp as qa tracker
 262 <sinzui> He applied to be an lp engineer. He should be counted on someone's team
 263 <Ursinha> did I get this wrong?
 264 <rockstar> Ursinha, maybe, but the code team isn't doing it that way, and we've found that the kanban board has been the tool we've preferred.
 265 <Ursinha> I guess that needs to be discussed then
 266 <rockstar> Ursinha, we get our stuff QA'd, so it's not like things are falling through the cracks, but it doesn't have great visibility.
 267 <Ursinha> if you're preferring another tool, we should discuss the problems
 268 <rockstar> Ursinha, the problem is that we have two tools...
 269 <gary_poster> Ursinha: do I understand correctly that you are saying that orphan commits are bad?
 270 <Ursinha> rockstar, imo the problem is that we don't have kanban integration
 271 <danilos> Ursinha, rockstar: it's a recognized problem, and flacoste promises us we'll do something about it (two tools for the same job)
 272 <Ursinha> gary_poster, only if they are really orphaned
 273 <gary_poster> because of the QA-through-LP initiative?
 274 <danilos> Ursinha, let's move on
 275 <danilos> at least that's my take on it
 276 <matsubara> gary_poster, not necessarily bad, we just don't want those falling through the cracks
 277 <Ursinha> gary_poster, in the sense that it should have been qaed and it isn't 
 278 <Ursinha> what matsubara said
 279 <gary_poster> ...and if we use LP for qa then how do we know?
 280 <gary_poster> right
 281 <matsubara> if you use LP as the QA tracker, then we have tools to help remind you that some QA is needed
 282 <gary_poster> I think this is a matter for discussion, but maybe not here.  mailing list?
 283 * mwhudson has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
 284 <Ursinha> doesn't matter if it doesn't have a bug when it doesn't need to have, the problem is not having a bug when it should
 285 <Ursinha> agreed gary_poster 
 286 <gary_poster> cool
 287 <matsubara> if you start landing OCs, then the tools can't help remind you that QA needs to be done
 288 <Ursinha> so, in this meantime, I'd like to ask you to once in a while take a look in the OC list
 289 <Ursinha> and see if any important things are missing
 290 <Ursinha> and this cycle
 291 <Ursinha> anyone else want to say something?
 292 <Ursinha> moving on :)
 293 <Ursinha> [TOPIC] * Proposed items
 294 <Ursinha> Thank you all for attending this week's Launchpad Production Meeting. See for the logs.
 295 <Ursinha> #endmeeting
 296 <MootBot> New Topic:  * Proposed items
 297 <MootBot> Meeting finished at 11:39.
 298 <Ursinha> errrrr bad paste :)
 299 <Ursinha> but we didn't have any other proposed items, so, nevermind :)
 300 <gary_poster> :-)
 301 <matsubara> thanks Ursinha
 302 <gary_poster> thank you
 303 <Ursinha> thanks everyone for this week's meeting :)

DevelopmentMeeting20100513 (last edited 2010-05-13 20:02:28 by ursinha)