1 13:02 < rockstar > #startmeeting
2 13:02 < MootBot > Meeting started at 11:02. The chair is rockstar.
3 13:02 < MootBot > Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
4 13:02 < rockstar > Hi Mootbot!
5 13:02 < gary_poster > :-)
6 13:02 < Chex > hehe
7 13:02 < rockstar > Welcome to today's (Diet) Launchpad Production Meeting. Who's here?
8 13:02 < gary_poster > me
9 13:02 < henninge > me
10 13:02 < Chex > me
11 13:03 < sinzui > me
12 13:03 < bigjools > o/
13 13:03 < rockstar > Is this all the teams then?
14 13:03 < adeuring > me
15 13:03 [Nick] jelmer-lunch is now known as jelmer_
16 13:03 < rockstar > It looks like it.
17 13:03 < rockstar > Okay, let's get started.
18 13:03 < rockstar > [TOPIC] Agenda
19 13:03 < MootBot > New Topic: Agenda
20 13:04 < rockstar > Here's the agenda:
21 13:04 < rockstar > OOPSes and Critical Bugs
22 13:04 < rockstar > Er, dammit...
23 13:04 < rockstar > * Actions from last meeting
24 13:04 < rockstar > * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts
25 13:04 < rockstar > * Operations report (mthaddon/Chex/spm/mbarnett)
26 13:04 < rockstar > * DBA report (stub)
27 13:04 < rockstar > * QA stats of the week
28 13:04 < rockstar > * Proposed items
29 13:04 < rockstar > There.
30 13:05 < rockstar > [TOPIC] * Actions from last meeting
31 13:05 < MootBot > New Topic: * Actions from last meeting
32 13:05 < rockstar > DONE: Ursinha to open a bug for the failing upgrade_branches script - filed bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/586467
33 13:05 < ubot5 > Launchpad bug 586467 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "upgrade_branches script failing (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]
34 13:06 < rockstar > That's the only action from last week, and it's a bug I can close as "Invalid" so I'm a happy puppy...
35 13:06 < rockstar > [TOPIC] * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts
36 13:06 < MootBot > New Topic: * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts
37 13:06 < rockstar > So, matsubara only pointed to two oopses.
38 13:06 < rockstar > https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops/?oopsid=OOPS-1614C2901 looks like a regression of bug 580181 but on DistroArchSeriesBinaryPackage
39 13:06 < ubot5 > Launchpad bug 580181 in Soyuz "DistributionSourcePackageRelease page still oopsing with NotOneError/LocationError (affected: 1, heat: 10)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/580181
40 13:06 < ubot5 > https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1614C2901
41 13:06 < rockstar > bigjools, ^^
42 13:06 < bigjools > noodles is looking into that still
43 13:07 < bigjools > he has a branch
44 13:07 < rockstar > https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/583395 is going to be cherry picked when it's ready.
45 13:07 < ubot5 > Launchpad bug 583395 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "OOPS accessing +new-recipe page not logged in (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [High,Triaged]
46 13:07 < bigjools > waiting for PQM to open
47 13:07 < rockstar > bigjools, okay, thanks.
48 13:08 < rockstar > So, as far as failing scripts, most of them had comments on what's going on.
49 13:08 < rockstar > That's helpful, and I think it provides more transparency than the meeting does.
50 13:08 < rockstar > Moving on...
51 13:08 < rockstar > [TOPIC] * Operations report (Chex)
52 13:08 < MootBot > New Topic: * Operations report (Chex)
53 13:08 < rockstar > Chex, you have the floor.
54 13:08 < Chex > hello everyone
55 13:09 < Chex > here is the report for this week:
56 13:09 < Chex > - Launchpad Full Production V10.05 was rolled-out on Wednesday morning, Jun-02. Rollout went well, with
57 13:09 < Chex > no major problems.
58 13:09 < Chex > - LP incidents of note:
59 13:09 < Chex > : May 25 : CP 9346 to cesium
60 13:09 < Chex > : May 25-Jun 1: several LP App-server memory full restarts needed.
61 13:09 < Chex > : Codebrowse restarts slowed in past week.
62 13:10 < Chex > any questions or comments for us LOSAs?
63 13:10 < gary_poster > Note that I have plugged *a* appserver memory leak
64 13:10 < bigjools > \o/
65 13:10 < gary_poster > If we get more, I'll need more meliae dumps
66 13:11 < rockstar > Chex, the codebrowse stuff is good news!
67 13:11 < rockstar > Chex, is that all? Anyone have something for Chex?
68 13:11 < Chex > rockstar: I quite agree! and seems to have held after the last rollout, too.
69 13:11 < Chex > rockstar: but I shouldnt say nary more..
70 13:12 < Chex > gary_poster: yes, seems there is still something else going on with memory, altho less severe
71 13:12 < gary_poster > Chex, well, ...yay for less severe I guess :-/ :-)
72 13:12 < rockstar > [TOPIC] * DBA report (stub)
73 13:12 < MootBot > New Topic: * DBA report (stub)
74 13:12 < gary_poster > he sent it via email
75 13:12 < rockstar > stub isn't here. He sent it to the list.
76 13:13 < rockstar > gary_poster, jinx? :)
77 13:13 < gary_poster > :-)
78 13:13 < rockstar > Okay, moving on.
79 13:13 < rockstar > [TOPIC] * QA stats of the week
80 13:13 < MootBot > New Topic: * QA stats of the week
81 13:13 * sinzui likes the pace of this meeting
82 13:14 < rockstar > Uh, so there aren't any untriaged bug stats, and we don't (hopefully) have any untested stuff.
83 13:14 < rockstar > So let's move on again...
84 13:14 < sinzui > we do on the last
85 13:14 < bigjools > soyuz has one untriaged bug
86 13:14 < rockstar > [TOPIC] * Proposed items
87 13:14 < MootBot > New Topic: * Proposed items
88 13:14 * rockstar gives bigjools a cookie.
89 13:14 < sinzui > https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+bugs?field.tag=qa-needstesting
90 13:15 < bigjools > yum yum
91 13:15 < rockstar > bigjools, fix that bug, it's your fault ^^
92 13:15 < rockstar > :)
93 13:15 < bigjools > /o\
94 13:16 < sinzui > https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=targetname&field.status%3Alist=NEW&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_supervisor=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.tag=&field.tags_combinator=ANY&field.has_cve.used=&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.affects_me.used=&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_branches.used=&field.has_branche
95 13:16 < sinzui > s=on&field.has_no_branches.used=&field.has_no_branches=on&search=Search&batch=100
96 13:16 * sinzui hates urls with no content
97 13:16 < rockstar > sinzui, E_URL_TOO_FUCKING_LONG
98 13:16 < bigjools > if only we had a way of shortening them
99 13:17 < sinzui > We had a rise in new bugs in part caused by UDS travel
100 13:17 < sinzui > http://tinyurl.com/276ga78
101 13:17 < MootBot > LINK received: http://tinyurl.com/276ga78
102 13:17 < rockstar > sinzui, I think lifeless's point on the list is a good point. We have too many queues...
103 13:18 < sinzui > yes
104 13:18 < rockstar > I think that's outside the scope of this meeting though... :)
105 13:18 < sinzui > The queue here are owned by teams, they should be able to manage themselves
106 13:19 < sinzui > Need I remind you that I found security issues in New bugs when I went through the backlog last year
107 13:19 < rockstar > Ouch.
108 13:19 <-- EdwinGrubbs
109 13:19 < rockstar > Anyone else have something for this meeting?
110 13:19 < bigjools > I hope to sort that out soon, Bryce fixed the bug I filed about the security contact being attached to bugs that move projects
111 13:19 < sinzui > We need Ursula report about finding owners for all these projects
112 13:19 < sinzui > mrevell might hate me because I nominated him for 4 of them
113 13:19 < bigjools > then we can have a separate security list
114 13:20 < sinzui > I think malone is still behind, and all others nee owners
115 13:21 < sinzui > rockstar, are we done?
116 13:21 < rockstar > sinzui, I believe so thene.
117 13:21 < rockstar > Thanks everyone.
118 13:21 < rockstar > #endmeeting
119 13:21 < MootBot > Meeting finished at 11:21.