Overview / analysis of failing bzr-svn imports
An attempt to classify persistently failing bzr-svn code imports by cause.
Bazaar does not support something present in Subversion
Unable to convert Subversion path ... because it contains characters invalid in Bazaar.
bzr doesn't support newlines in symlink targets yet
bzr-svn bugs
bzr-svn confused by read access restrictions to subtrees
This feels painful to deal with. I want to blame svn for being silly.
KDE layout related - Empty parent '...' added, but child '...' wasn't added !?
Fixed in bzr-svn 1.0.5dev.
CHKInventoryRepository(...) has no revision ...
Fixed in bzr-svn 1.0.5dev.
Bug converting symlink changed to regular file - Checksum mismatch
Fixed in bzr-svn 1.0.5dev.
broken svn server
[codeplex.com] assert svn_revprops.has_key(properties.PROP_REVISION_DATE)
This is caused by a server side bug present in the Microsoft Team Foundation Server to Subversion bridge running on codeplex.com.
I'm inclined to close these as wontfix since they are a server side issue. Perhaps we can look into importing natively from the team foundation server using bzr-tfs ? -- jelmer
Subversion bugs
get_log REPORT failed, Subversion breaks on non-UTF8 character in log message
get_dir PROPFIND failed, Subversion breaks on XML-tag-name-invalid character in property name
Launchpad code bugs
Launchpad uses "guessed" layout rather than a layout that matches the requested branch
Some analysis done, culprit uncertain
get_uuid PROPFIND failed
This failure mode seems to correspond with being unable to make a successful PROPFIND against the repository root URL. This can be because:
- There is some sort of erroneous redirect occurring:
- Only a subtree of the repository is visible, and accessing the root causes a 401:
Needs investigation
SSL Verification error: signed using insecure algorithm
Happens using "svn log" as well.
AssertionError("%d != %d" % (len(tview), tview_len))
Jelmer suggested that recreating the branch from scratch would work, but a fresh import created after the 10.09 rollout also failed the same way: https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/ros/trunk