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Revision 4 as of 2010-08-03 12:58:33

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August 2010


Lucid/Python 2.6 upgrade

Software is ready. LOSAs are working on the upgrade. Foundations may be responsible for some of the image upgrades, but this is mostly now a LOSA task.

Slony and Postgres upgrade

The software changes have been done for both of these. We are going to actually migrate to Slony first. spm has backported the Slony packages from Lucid, and they will be deployed to Hardy very soon, hopefully in the next week or two. After that, the LOSAs will hopefully be able to migrate the DB servers to Lucid. At the moment this is out of Foundations' hands.


Openid bugs

We had just started trying to dig ourselves out of the openid bug hole at the epic ( but some other priorities pushed this work away. The majority of these are about the fact that we need to be able to associate multiple accounts with a single person. Stuart will be tackling 580461 in the next few weeks. Hopefully that will set us up to clean up the rest of the bugs like dominoes.

Launchpad performance

Workflow changes

Robert is leading the way to a number of great workflow changes, mostly centered on continuous deployment, and we're supporting him with changes to the related machinery. Here's some details on progress for changes that we are a part of now.

Test speedups

Stuart is planning to investigate his long-proposed Mock Database work.

Build improvements

The changes we made to Buildout were accepted upstream by the maintainer, but a beta release caused issues particularly for people who used Buildout with virtualenv. A few people (Tim, for instance) reported some issues that have been squashed in the software but not deployed to Launchpad. A new beta release of Buildout should go out publicly this week, and be incorporated into Launchpad this week or after the upcoming LP release. This will be good for Landscape too, it seems.

This also should be a small part of some long-needed simplification and cleanup of our lazr packages to make the build easier to use and understand. Maris has been leading the cleanups there.

We're also hoping to find time to switch away from the local download-cache in favor of a shared stash of our sdists somewhere in the data center. This hopefully just takes a small amount of work, and once it is done it should make some things simpler for lazr packages and Launchpad's build too (and remove the download-cache-as-bzr-branch that has annoyed several folks).

Smoldering Fires

Robert's trying to improve our search. I'm sure that will take some of Stuart's time, at the least.

The Librarian needs some love. Robert is giving it some, bless him. There's a memory leak that needs to be addressed too (556245).

App server machines are going into swap every week or two now. We closed a memory leak, but there's at least another slow one we know about. We will probably need to tackle this again soon.