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Revision 9 as of 2010-05-18 18:43:31

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The Launchpad JavaScript Build System

Most of the Launchpad JavaScript is bundled, minified, and distributed in one large stand-alone file: launchpad.js.

Adding new JavaScript modules

To add a new JavaScript module simply add a new <script> line to lib/lp/app/templates/ in the large <devmode> JavaScript block. The file you add to the list will be automatically included in the launchpad.js roll-up and used by both the test runner and the LP production site.

Two special scripts, utilities/ and utilities/, look in lib/lp/app/templates/ for <script> lines. The corresponding minified script files (the version of the file ending with "-min.js") will be added to launchpad.js.

After making your changes you will probably want to run:

$ make clean_js && make jsbuild

Adding a new CSS file

Launchpad combines and minifies all of its CSS files into 'combo.css' before publishing them. You can add a new CSS file to the list by editing buildout-templates/bin/

After making your changes you will probably want to run:

$ make css_combine
