Diff for "JavascriptUnitTesting"

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Differences between revisions 3 and 13 (spanning 10 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2011-03-01 20:15:31
Size: 7378
Editor: bac
Revision 13 as of 2011-07-11 02:33:27
Size: 9446
Editor: wallyworld
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 31: Line 31:
/lib/canonical/launchpad/javascript/registry {{{lib/lp/registry/javascript}}}.
Line 51: Line 51:
The Harness and Runner
=== The Harness and Runner ===
Line 64: Line 62:
    <!-- YUI 3.0 Setup -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../icing/yui/current/build/yui/yui.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../icing/lazr/build/lazr.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../icing/yui/current/build/cssreset/reset.css"/>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../icing/yui/current/build/cssfonts/fonts.css"/>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../icing/yui/current/build/cssbase/base.css"/>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../test.css" />
    <!-- YUI and test setup -->
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../app/javascript/testing/test.css" />
    <script type="text/javascript"
Line 84: Line 82:
       <!-- The test output -->
    <div id="log"></div>
Line 102: Line 97:
This is a rudimentary test suite. Replace mynamespace with your library's
namespace to get started. The interesting block is the _should property,
which defines the tests that should raise an error.

    base: '../../../ic
    filter: 'raw', combine: false
    }).use('yuitest', 'console', 'lp.mynamespace',
function(Y) {
This is a rudimentary test suite. Replace [[[mynamespace]]] with your library's
namespace to get started. The interesting block is the [[[_should]]] property,
which defines the tests that ''should'' raise an error.

YUI().use('lp.testing.runner', 'test', 'console', 'lp.mynamespace',
function(Y) {
Line 154: Line 147:
    // Lock, stock, and two smoking barrels.

    var console = new Y.Console({newestOnTop: false});

    Y.on('domready', function() {
Line 166: Line 151:
'''Note''' that the tests are run as part of our test suite. For that reason, the{{{fetchCSS: false}}} setting is important as it prevents the test from downloading CSS from an external source. However, in development and debugging you'll want to change that to {{{fetchCSS: true}}} so that the output is well formatted. Just be sure you don't check in the file with it set to true.

=== Running Tests ===

==== In a browser ====
To run the tests interactively simply load the html file into your browser. A successful run, with {{{fetchCSS:true}}}, looks like:

==== Command line ====

The YUI unit tests can be run from the command line but only at a subsystem granularity. For instance, you can run all Registry tests by using:
xvfb-run ./bin/test --layer=RegistryWindmillLayer -cvv

Unfortunately you may not run a single test.
Line 186: Line 187:
=== Stubbing XHR Calls ===

Tests will often have a requirement that you want to see that the DOM is correctly updated as a result of a user initiated action such as a button click. Sometimes, in production, such a user action may result in an XHR call where the response data is used to update the DOM. In such cases, you still want to be able to test the interaction within a YUI test without having to resort to using an integration test too like Windmill. One solution is to stub the XHR call and return some test data.

Here's an example I used in one test I recently wrote. The item under test is a widget which uses the restful web services patch API to update an attribute on a domain object. In production, the widget would use an Y.lp.client.Launchpad() instance to perform the patch() call. I constructed a mock client as follows:

var MockClient = function() {
    /* A mock to provide the result of a patch operation. */

MockClient.prototype = {
    'patch': function(uri, representation, config, headers) {
        var patch_content = new Y.lp.client.Entry();
        var html = Y.Node.create("<span/>");
        html.set('innerHTML', representation['multicheckboxtest']);
        patch_content.set('lp_html', {'multicheckboxtest': html});

Then, instead of constructing the widget under test with a Y.lp.client.Launchpad() instance, I would pass in a !MockClient() instance instead. The data passed to the Y.IO success handler is as would be returned from a real XHR call, allowing that aspect of the Javascript code to be verified without a fully running system being in place requiring sample data to be created etc.

Developing with YUI.Test

Or putting the fun back into JavaScript

This is a short primer to introduce you to YUI.Test. As you might have noticed, hacking in JavaScript, né LiveScript, ceased to be fun when Internet Explore implemented JScript, a freak cross bread of the JavaScript syntax and VBScript. Other browser makers entered into the cross-breading competition and I left for a job that let me put all the logic in the server.

I spent two days creating the milestone_table script that allows users to create milestones and add them to the table. This involved a refactoring of the milestoneoverlay script and adding what appeared to be a few lines to call the existing view that renders a milestone table row.

Day one was horrible, there was a lot of shouting, words were said that may have hurt my computer's feelings. There were two problems. The first was that my extraction of the milestoneoverlay script had failed. This was not true as I learned. The Windmill test broke weeks before I started my branch because the page layout changed [1]. The second problem was the complexity of corner-cases led to unpredictable behaviors.

Day two was a fun roller coaster ride refactoring my script from first principles using unit tests. YUI.Test made me write a library, structure my code to have simple contracts to do simple things, and let me refactor safely. After a few hours, I was able to bring predictable behaviour to the script and I believe the code was much easier to read.

You can see the milestone_table script library and its tests at lib/lp/registry/javascript.

What is YUI.Test

You can read the summary and API of YUI.Test at

It is not as solid as other xUnit frameworks.

  • It can test for failure, but Exception testing in JavaScript requires some extra work.

  • JavaScript does not support imports which can be used to provide stubs and mocks. The Y.Mock tools can test params and methods, but not callables; you will need to monkey patch a callable when you need to verify that your script passed the expected arguments to a YUI method.

  • It is not automated. The harness is a HTML page, and the runner is your browser.

It is better than anything else we have used. It is fast to develop, easy to maintain, and allows good designs to emerge. Since the test harness is a page, you can develop a library/widget in many small branches before you decide it is ready to include in the zpt.

The Harness and Runner

This is a rudimentary harness. You need to replace TESTLIBRARY with the name of the library you are writing. Your library probably requires some markup to run, what it connects to and modifies. Add that markup with ids and classes too.

    <title>Launchpad TESTLIBRARY</title>
    <!-- YUI and test setup -->
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../app/javascript/testing/test.css" />
    <script type="text/javascript"

    <!-- The module under test -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../TESTLIBRARY.js"></script>

    <!-- The test suite -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="test_TESTLIBRARY.js"></script>
  <body class="yui-skin-sam">

    <!-- The example markup required by the script to run -->
    <div id="expected-id">

Load that page into your browser. The tests will be run. If you get a js error on the page, the script tags or example markup need fixing. Reload your browser to replay the tests. The output could use some CSS love to clarify subordinate and summary information.

If you write a bad test setup, you will break the runner, it will never complete.

The Test module

This is a rudimentary test suite. Replace [mynamespace] with your library's namespace to get started. The interesting block is the [_should] property, which defines the tests that should raise an error.

YUI().use('lp.testing.runner', 'test', 'console', 'lp.mynamespace', 
    function(Y) {

    var mynamespace = Y.lp.mynamespace;
    var suite = new Y.Test.Suite("mynamespace Tests");

    suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
        // Test the setup method.
        name: 'setup',

        _should: {
            error: {
                test_config_undefined: true,

        setUp: function() {
            this.tbody = Y.get('#milestone-rows');

        tearDown: function() {
            delete this.tbody;
            mynamespace._milestone_row_uri_template = null;
            mynamespace._tbody = null;

        test_good_config: function() {
            // Verify the config data is stored.
            var config = {
                milestone_row_uri_template: '/uri',
                milestone_rows_id:  '#milestone-rows'
            Y.Assert.areSame(this.tbody, mynamespace._tbody);

        test_config_undefined: function() {
            // Verify an error is thrown if there is no config.


Note that the tests are run as part of our test suite. For that reason, thefetchCSS: false setting is important as it prevents the test from downloading CSS from an external source. However, in development and debugging you'll want to change that to fetchCSS: true so that the output is well formatted. Just be sure you don't check in the file with it set to true.

Running Tests

In a browser

To run the tests interactively simply load the html file into your browser. A successful run, with fetchCSS:true, looks like: yui-test.png

Command line

The YUI unit tests can be run from the command line but only at a subsystem granularity. For instance, you can run all Registry tests by using:

xvfb-run ./bin/test --layer=RegistryWindmillLayer -cvv

Unfortunately you may not run a single test.

Considerations for Tests

Use the get/set wrappers to access innerHTML to reset the HTML DOM for a test. clone was not reliable as I thought it would be.

The Y.Node.create() methods expects a single root node in the raw markup. I had to strip whitespace to ensure the node was created in my library, so I tested that in the library tests.

I had to monkey patch Y.io to verify it was called with the correct parameters. The YUI guide suggests that I refactor the get_milestone_row to accept a Y.io as parameter so that it is easy to pass a mock. I decided that I did not want test to determine the public API of method.

Another reason I monkey patched Y.io is that it is an async call. The test always completes before the return. As above I could have added a test parameter to the public method to set the timeout to 0001 milliseconds. I decided that Y.IO is not under test, so the best test would not use it.

Stubbing XHR Calls

Tests will often have a requirement that you want to see that the DOM is correctly updated as a result of a user initiated action such as a button click. Sometimes, in production, such a user action may result in an XHR call where the response data is used to update the DOM. In such cases, you still want to be able to test the interaction within a YUI test without having to resort to using an integration test too like Windmill. One solution is to stub the XHR call and return some test data.

Here's an example I used in one test I recently wrote. The item under test is a widget which uses the restful web services patch API to update an attribute on a domain object. In production, the widget would use an Y.lp.client.Launchpad() instance to perform the patch() call. I constructed a mock client as follows:

var MockClient = function() {
    /* A mock to provide the result of a patch operation. */

MockClient.prototype = {
    'patch': function(uri, representation, config, headers) {
        var patch_content = new Y.lp.client.Entry();
        var html = Y.Node.create("<span/>");
        html.set('innerHTML', representation['multicheckboxtest']);
        patch_content.set('lp_html', {'multicheckboxtest': html});

Then, instead of constructing the widget under test with a Y.lp.client.Launchpad() instance, I would pass in a MockClient() instance instead. The data passed to the Y.IO success handler is as would be returned from a real XHR call, allowing that aspect of the Javascript code to be verified without a fully running system being in place requiring sample data to be created etc.


[1] Heisenkoans

  • Does a test pass if it is never run?
    Is a test written if nothing is ever tested with it?


JavascriptUnitTesting (last edited 2021-10-06 13:24:38 by cjwatson)