Better Blueprint Organisation

Short description of feature

Blueprints are linked to either projects or distributions, and can be linked to series and milestones. This feature is to provide a way to easily see the blueprints being worked on by a particular team for a particular project.

As a team leader
I want to be able to see the blueprints that my team is working on for a particular project
so that I can easily see the workload of the team

Consider clarifying the feature by describing what it is not?

This feature is not about:

Link this from LEP


This will give our project managers and team leaders a better ability to see the work that is in progress when they are using blueprints to track their work.


Constraints and Requirements


Blueprint listings need to be made availble at the following urls:

These listings need to have filters for:

The listing shall show the following information:

Must work for large teams, and big projects.

Nice to have

Have the same type of listing page for sprints?

Must not

Time out :-)


Other LaunchpadEnhancementProposals that form a part of this one.


An interesting question is how to navigate to the urls.


How will we know when we are done?

How will we measure how well we have done?


Put everything else here. Better out than in.

Need to be careful to do a single query (if possible) to get the listings back even when there are duplicates for subscribers or feedback requests.

LEP/BetterBlueprintOrganisation (last edited 2010-11-01 03:16:18 by thumper)