Diff for "LEP/BetterBugSubscriptionsAndNotifications/FeatureReviewNotes"

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Differences between revisions 2 and 3
Revision 2 as of 2011-04-04 14:12:38
Size: 1922
Editor: gmb
Revision 3 as of 2011-04-04 14:39:57
Size: 2455
Editor: gary
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 14: Line 14:
 :: Still need to tweak punctuation etc. per jml's comments.
Line 18: Line 19:
 :: mute/unmute icons need to be developed/deployed (Huw).
Line 23: Line 25:
 :: Some display bugs still present. XXX List Huw items.
 :: Two more tasks: Adding edit links is in progress. Muting of team subscriptions is in progress; code should be done today.
 :: Two more core tasks: Adding edit links is in progress. Muting of team subscriptions is in progress; code should be done today.
 :: Some display bugs still present. We may not address all of these.
   * Link on bug page may need to be moved to a new global-actions portlet (related to Bug:412178) (Huw/Curtis)
   * Make popups on overlays pretty per Huw's design.
   * Fix overlay title overrun problem (Huw)
   * Unsubscribe and Mute on +subscriptions pages do not have progress spinner
   * Accordion panels need to be prettified and UI cues made more consistent (e.g., green links)

Feature Review 2011-04-04

See previous feature review notes

Users can filter out notifications generated because of a change they made themselves::

Done, No change.

Actions that are done and then quickly undone will not generate notification emails::


Newly announced.

subscribe to individual bugs, choosing to filter by events::

Done for malone-alpha.
Still need to tweak punctuation etc. per jml's comments.

"mute" their notifications on individual bugs::

Done for malone-alpha.
Bug 1 timeout still pending.
mute/unmute icons need to be developed/deployed (Huw).

Make filters for structural subscriptions::

Adding done for yellow. XXX add for jml, diogo. Describe how to test.
Adding links added.
XSS fixes and landing on prod.
Two more core tasks: Adding edit links is in progress. Muting of team subscriptions is in progress; code should be done today.
Some display bugs still present. We may not address all of these.
  • Link on bug page may need to be moved to a new global-actions portlet (related to 412178) (Huw/Curtis)

  • Make popups on overlays pretty per Huw's design.
  • Fix overlay title overrun problem (Huw)
  • Unsubscribe and Mute on +subscriptions pages do not have progress spinner
  • Accordion panels need to be prettified and UI cues made more consistent (e.g., green links)

a X-Launchpad-Subscription-Description header::

Display tweaks done.
Several optimizations done.

"Unsubscribe in anger"::

Will be in progress again starting today. Last big task.

Notifications will batch attachments::

Not started. Expected to be one day task.

disable the display of the list of subscribers::

Not started. Expected to be one day task.

New feature commissioned last meeting was muting of team subscriptions. As mentioned above, coding for that should be done today, but will not be deployed till next db deploy.

By Wed 2011-04-13

  • The subscription edit links should be in prod
  • unsubscribe in anger will be done

By Mon 2011-04-18

  • Notifications will batch attachments should be done
  • disable the display of the list of subscribers should be done.

LEP/BetterBugSubscriptionsAndNotifications/FeatureReviewNotes (last edited 2011-04-04 14:39:57 by gary)