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Bounce Handling

Handle bounced email addresses in Launchpad.

Contact: GaryPoster
On Launchpad: 341927


From the critical bug filed by James Troup:


James Troup <james.troup@canonical.com> LOSAs GSAs

User stories

As a user I want to be be able to address problems with communicating to me via Launchpad so that I can receive the timely notifications I want.

As a Canonical SA I want mail providers to not regard Canonical's email as spam (because Launchpad ignores bounce communications) so that SAs do not have to spend time the convincing mail providers that they should actually deliver our mail.

Constraints and Requirements


User Experience

Background and heuristics, as strongly informed by Mailman

[Arbitrary values in the below will be configurable, at a minimum by changing constants in a well-known place in the sourcecode. These arbitrary values are indicated with italics.]

Nice to have

Must not


Out of scope

This could make implementing the vacation/holiday feature request 44542 really easy: it would be a similar state except that it would not send out the PROBE or initial warning emails.




How will we know when we are done?

Launchpad does not send email to addresses that have bounced enough for us to consider them dead.

How will we measure how well we have done?

The rate of bounce messages we receive decreases dramatically because we are actually acting on them. (Note that we still need to know what our current rate is.)


UI Mockups needed

Implementation proposal

The LEP intends to focus only on the user-visible description. See the implemention proposal as it develops.