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Revision 22 as of 2010-04-27 13:06:17

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Build Farm Builder Pools

Make pools of builders reserved for usage by different groups of users

As a user of daily builds
I want to make sure the builds are done without undue delay
so that so that the latest builds are available promptly

As an Ubuntu developer
I want to make sure that daily builds don't swamp the build farm
so that regular Ubuntu package builds are not delayed


Why are we doing this now?

  1. The daily builds project will be coming on line soon and extra hardware will be purchased for its use. We want to make sure that hardware really does get used for daily builds.
  2. The OEM team wants a pool of armel builds for its own use

What value does this give our users? Which users?


Who really cares about this feature? When did you last talk to them?


What MUST the new behaviour provide?

What MUST it not do?




Once on that page there are more actions available:



Need bigger picture for these workflows. e.g. Why would the admin visit /builders/+pools? What are they trying to achieve? What problem are they solving by editing an existing pool? -- jml [2010-04-05]

You do not have to get the mockups and workflows right at this point. In fact, it is better to have several alternatives, delaying deciding on the final set of workflows until the last responsible moment.


How will we know when we are done?

How will we measure how well we have done?

Release Note



Put everything else here. Better out than in.

jml's questions

Quick type-up of my paper notes, apologies for the terseness.

Regarding /builders/+pools mockup

Regarding /~soyuz-team/+archive/ppa mockup

Regarding /builders mockup