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Build Farm Scalability

This LEP describes the constraints and what is an acceptable level of performance for the build farm.

As a package uploader
I want my build to be dispatched as soon as a builder is free and I am next in the queue
so that I don't wait unnecessarily for my build to be finished

As a person who pays for new hardware
I want to see builders always busy if there are jobs in the queue
so that I know I am getting the best performance I can for my money.

As a buildd admin
I want to add new build slaves without adversely affecting dispatch times to other builders
so that the build farm scales.

This LEP does not describe a new messaging system etc.,.


This LEP is to guide development in the right direction such that we don't waste resources making changes that we don't really need.

It is being done now because the load on the build farm is increasing quite rapidly due to rebuilds etc., and the current manager does not scale and leaves slave resources wastefully idle for long periods.

It would bring value in terms of increased throughput of jobs on the build farm which would make PPA users, buildd-admins and the purse-carriers happier.


Constraints and Requirements


XXX How realistic are these numbers? I pulled numbers put of the air because it's better than the current delay of 20-30 minutes. -- Julian

Nice to have

Must not


None (yet).



How will we know when we are done?

How will we measure how well we have done?


  1. collected is a term specific to the build farm, and refers to the explicit step performed by the build master to fetch the results from the builder (1)