Debtags Service

This is a LEP with one way of implementing what is needed for the Debtags LEP.

Contact: Jonathan Lange & James Westby
On Launchpad: Link to a blueprint, milestone or (best) a bug tag search across launchpad-project

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Link this from LEP


See LEP/DebTags for why we want this.

The approach described here is inline with Launchpad's SOA strategy, and also allows us to more easily re-use the code from Debian for dealing with debtags.


| Canonical Consumer Applications | Drafting | | Launchpad Technical Architect | Not yet |

Constraints and Requirements


Nice to have

Must not

Out of scope


How will we know when we are done?

How will we measure how well we have done?


There will be a debtags service that knows (considering one archive for now) which tags should be set on each binary package name (package name + series combination?)

At publishing time Launchpad will include that information in the Packages file as needed, using an API provided by the debtags service to get the information

API Design

The debtags service will provide an API that Launchpad can use to get the information. Publishing works at the suite/component level, so that is the smallest set for which Launchpad will want to request information. Doing at a per-package level would lead to excessive round-trips. However, it may be that Launchpad would prefer to request information for the whole archive in one go.

The API response is pretty straightforward, needing to return a mapping from package name -> debtags string, which Launchpad can insert in to the Packages file as needed. (Obviously if the API is per-archive and the tags are per-component the mapping would have to be (package name, component) -> debtags string)

Fault Tolerance

Publishing delays cause a lot of problems for both Ubuntu and those relying on PPAs, so all steps in the pubishing process need to be reliable. Having Launchpad contact an external service during publishing could jeopardise this.

However, we assume that once debtags are available they will be relied upon and so cannot be dropped from the Packages file if the service isn't available. This seems to suggest three possible approaches to make the system fault-tolerant: (TODO: decide between these)

Debtags database mirror

Launchpad's database could contain tables for holding the relevant information, and the publisher could just consult those, meaning that there isn't a dependency on an external service that could affect the publisher.

The mirror would then be kept up to date either by:

This approach ensures that the publisher always runs promptly (assuming that timeouts on the API call are low), even if the debtags data is stale. However, it does have the overhead of having to add all the database tables to Launchpad and write the logic to keep the data in sync with the external service.

Falling back to old Packages files

An approach similar to the above, but without having to create the database tables is for the publisher to look at the old Packages files if the debtags service isn't responding.

At the start of its cycle the publisher would make the API request to the debtags service. If the request is successfully answered then the data is used. If it is not then the publisher parses the last-written Packages files and reads the needed debtags data from there.

Again this approach ensures that the publisher always runs promptly (assuming that timeouts on the API call are low and the time taken to parse the Packages files is negligible,) even if the debtags data is stale. However, this approach is likely easier to implement than duplicated database tables, at the expense of a little ugliness, and a few failure modes that the database approach doesn't have (e.g. publishing without debtags information if the debtags service is down *and* the Packages files have been deleted for some reason.)


This approach is building the debtags service to always be available to respond to the API requests, and have the publisher abort if the debtags service is not responding (perhaps after a couple of retries.)

This approach puts more constraints on the implementation and adminsitration of the debtags service while simplifying the implemenation on the Launchpad side.



How does the publisher actually inject the information in to the Packages file?

Services Requirements

This section deals with how the service would meet all of the requirements set out in ArchitectureGuide/ServicesRequirements

No downtime Deployability

This could be achieved using dual servers and haproxy. Care would need to be taken over database migrations.

No single point of failure (SPOF)

With dual servers and haproxy an SPOF could be avoided. However, as discussed above the service needs to be up in some form to keep publishing going, unless one of the alternative stragegies outlined there is used.

Uptime and KPI monitoring

From the Launchpad point of view the primary KPI is whether the service is up, with the response time also being important. If syncing of tags from Debian is performed then monitoring of that would be needed.

KPI graphing

haproxy could provide the basic information for graphing, with specific APIs being added for other desired information.

Access logs

The service used by Debian is built on Django. Assuming we go with that we should have access logs with little effort.

Error reporting

Again if Debian's Django-based system is used then oops-wsgi can be used to get error reports.

Access controls

If private PPAs are not supported then the interface used by Launchpad could be a public read-only API. If they are it will have to be authenticated.

The interface for editing tags would have to be authenticated either way, but discussion of that interface is not included here.


Put everything else here. Better out than in.

LEP/DebTagsService (last edited 2012-02-02 12:58:47 by jml)