Deployment-oriented QA

Make the QA process more convenient and useful those requesting deployment.

Contact: AaronBentley
On Launchpad: deployment-qa

As a Launchpad Developer requesting a nodowntime deployment,
I want to know which revisions are known to be safe to deploy as tip of a nodowntime deployment,
so that I can decide which revision to deploy.

As a Release Manager,
I want to know which revisions are known to be safe to deploy as tip, of a release,
so that I can decide which revision to deploy.

As a Release Manager or Launchpad Developer,
I want to know why the other revisions are not known to be safe,
so that I can work to make them or subsequent revisions deployable.

As a Release Manager,
I want to know how much time it takes to deploy all the database patches present in a revision,
so that I know which db-stable revisions are suitable to merge into devel prior to release.

As a Release manager,
I want to know which revisions have not been QAed yet, and who can QA them,
so that I can work to ensure QA is performed.

As a Launchpad contributor,
I want a simple system to use to indicate when I have done QA,
so that I can get my work done and track my progress.

This LEP is not about adding QA as a feature of Launchpad. Rather, it's about updating the Launchpad development process, potentially adjusting our data model to support this.


We are doing this now because simplifying the process will allow us to do releases more safely.

This gives our release managers and contributors a simpler, safer process.


Constraints and Requirements


Nice to have

Must not

Out of scope




As a release manager planning to merge db-stable into devel, I use the deployment-db-stable report to determine what needs to be done in order to deploy the latest revision possible, and who can do it. I check in with those people.

As a release manager merging db-stable into devel, I use the deployment-db-stable report to determine which revision I can safely merge into devel.

As a release manager who has merged db-stable into devel, I use the deployment-stable report to determine what needs to be done in order to deploy the revision that merged db-stable and who can do it. I check in with those people.

As a release manager who is ready to release, I use the deployment-stable report to determine which revision to use as the basis for the rollout.

As Launchpad Developer requesting a nodowntime deployment, I use the deployment-stable report to determine whether the revision I want to deploy is deployable. I also use it to determine which revision to use as the basis for the rollout.


Bugs are at: deployment-qa

How will we know when we are done?

How will we measure how well we have done?


The obvious solution would be to allow tagging revisions. Another option would be to use merge proposals, but there may be multiple proposals per revision, e.g. when a pipeline is landed all at once.

LEP/DeploymentQA (last edited 2010-12-10 12:56:57 by jml)