Diff for "LEP/DerivativeDistributions"

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Differences between revisions 5 and 6
Revision 5 as of 2010-05-18 22:12:03
Size: 3045
Revision 6 as of 2010-06-03 08:25:44
Size: 3295
Comment: some comments
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 38: Line 38:
   * Julian: What kind of output is needed?
Line 41: Line 42:
     * Julian: I think every quirk should be policy-based.
Line 45: Line 47:
   * Julian: should be easy using the existing API for syncSources()
Line 47: Line 50:
   * Julian: This sounds like a quirks policy again
Line 77: Line 81:
   * Julian: Huge +1

Derivative Distributions

XXX - more text here

As an OEM provider
I want to make a customized version of Ubuntu
so that I can ship the OS best suited to my hardware


Why are we doing this now?

What value does this give our users? Which users?


  • Kiko Reis
  • OEM Services
    • cody
    • smagoun
  • ???


What MUST the new behaviour provide?

What MUST it not do?



  • Ability to push a bug upstream to a parent distribution
  • Official package branch maintenance for derivatives
  • Full archive services for these distributions
  • See the difference between a derivative and its parent
    • Which packages are newer / older
    • Julian: What kind of output is needed?
  • Copy packages over without rebuilding them
    • jml isn't sure if this is a thing
      • james_w: it is, may want a policy on the archive to say whether rebuilds are default or not.
      • Julian: I think every quirk should be policy-based.
  • Support different release cycles and release models from the parent distro
    • OEM case is frequently a small, finite number of rolling releases
  • Translations
  • merge-o-matic type functionality
    • Julian: should be easy using the existing API for syncSources()
  • Automatic, configurable propagation rules for packages.
  • Configurable constraints like preventing someone from uploading a package with the same version as a package in a parent distribution (binaries will have conflicting checksums) or uploading a package with an incorrect version (ex. a version that will most likely be higher then the next upload in a parent distribution; ie. version scheme constraints).
    • Julian: This sounds like a quirks policy again


What are the workflows for this feature?

  • Create a distribution
  • Enter additional data about the relationships between the new distribution and other distributions AND/OR launchpad automatically detects those relationships via the ancestry of the packages in the distribution's archives.


How will we know when we are done?

One possible measure: when we can build Debian on Launchpad the way we build Ubuntu.

Another POV: When Ubuntu can become a derivative of Debian in launchpad.

How will we measure how well we have done?


  • Check over the Ubuntu owner / bug supervisor etc model and see if it's relevant to non-standard projects
  • Look up past literature on this subject
  • Image building suddenly becomes way more interesting with this
    • A distribution that's just customization practically demands to be played with
    • Cody: Launchpad should focus on improving existing services before jumping into image building. External services and tools can be used in the mean time.
  • What Ubuntu-specific scripts are we running against Launchpad
  • Is this a for-pay service?
  • Derivative distributions should be first class distributions.
  • A derivative distribution can be a distribution derived from a derived distribution and so on.
  • Configurable, entirely flexible, powerful policies about behaviors are key.
    • Julian: Huge +1

LEP/DerivativeDistributions (last edited 2011-07-25 09:29:56 by rvb)