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MailArchive ===========

Launchpad uses MHonArch to archive emails and show them on the Web. There are several problems:

Mailman's internal archiver is pipermail. It maintains a canonical representation of all messages in mbox format. It generates html using templates. It supports monthly mbox archiving which reduces the borden of generating pages for all the messages. Pipermail is considered to be under-developeed and needs feature to support modern needs. See http://wiki.list.org/display/DEV/ModernArchiving The mailman config can be set to use the internal archiver, see http://terri.zone12.com/doc/mailman/mailman-admin/node27.html

There are no mail archivers that meet Lp's needs. Most large scale hosters write their own service or make extensive customisations to the mediocre archives to meet their needs.

Launchpad needs

Lauchpad wants to access the archive using an API so that the mail messages can be integrated with other Lp pages:

Mailman requires a command or an ArchRunner class to send the message to. mailan expects a exit/return code to know if the message is complete or if it must be re-enqueued to try again. Mailman assumes that the archives creates an archive as needed (it currenly passes a lot of data to the mhnoarc command to ensure messages are added to the right archive). It is easier to add an e

Diagram of interaction


mail-archive-command (Posix)

Mail-Archive-Service (ReST/JSON)


* actions are not essential

Design considerations

* MBox is the standard for storing a collections of messages.

* ReST/JSON is desirable for webservice API because we could use