Diff for "LEP/ProjectConfiguration"

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Differences between revisions 11 and 12
Revision 11 as of 2010-07-01 20:50:53
Size: 4786
Editor: bac
Revision 12 as of 2010-07-01 20:51:35
Size: 4816
Editor: bac
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 61: Line 61:
'''Product index page with one involvement portlet''' '''Product index page with one involvement portlet'''<<BR>>
Line 64: Line 64:
and disabled for the ones that are not. The individual links are conditionally enabled based on the user's permissions. and disabled for the ones that are not. The individual links are conditionally enabled based on the user's permissions.<<BR>>
Line 69: Line 69:
this layout both portlets will be visible on the initial page load of a reasonably sized browser. this layout both portlets will be visible on the initial page load of a reasonably sized browser.<<BR>>
Line 72: Line 72:
'''Product index page with separate setup portlet''' '''Product index page with separate setup portlet'''<<BR>>
Line 74: Line 74:
with edit permission. with edit permission.<<BR>>

Project Configuration Presentation

Registering a project in Launchpad should be as lightweight as possible, requiring the user to provide the minimal amount of information to get the project up and running enough to perform the initial task at hand. After that first effort there are many aspects of the project that still need to be specified for it to be a completely specified project. The maintainer of the project must be shown which parts are not yet specified and provide links to various configuration pages. The maintainer should be able to tell at a glance from the project index page how far along the project configuration is and the tasks remaining.

As a Launchpad user
I want create a project representing an upstream
so that I can link a bugtask to the project.

As a project maintainer
I want to see unconfigured aspects of my project
so that I can setup the project to use more Launchpad features.

As a Ubuntu package maintainer/MOTU/helpful person
I want to create a project to link it to an Ubuntu package, and specify as much information as possible
so that Ubuntu can better interact with upstreams.

This feature is not about the actual data gathering, the extant forms are sufficient. It is about providing guidance to users to know what is missing and to make links to the forms.


Why are we doing this now?

We are undertaking the task now as part of the bridging-the-gap initiative. There are many projects in Launchpad that are insufficiently provisioned in that the upstream bug tracker has not been specified, the answer tracker hasn't been set-up, translations are unavailable, etc. The full potential of Launchpad is not being realized for these projects because the maintainers either don't know what they are missing or they don't know how to perform the configuration tasks.

What value does this give our users? Which users?

The users interested in a given project will benefit because they will be able to perform more tasks on a well-provisioned project. The project maintainers will benefit because it'll be obvious to them what remains to be done and how to go about performing those tasks. Launchpad engineers less frequently suffer the stress of seeing "This project does not use Launchpad".


Who really cares about this feature? When did you last talk to them?

Ideas have been floated on the launchpad-dev mailing list. Stakeholders are Launchpad users who either register projects or seek to improve knowledge about projects in Launchpad. Individuals include:

  1. Jelmer - frequently registers projects, has MOTU ties
  2. Curtis
  3. Jonathan


The new behavior must:

  1. Show maintainers the set of features that are configured and those that are not configured,
  2. Provide clear links to the setup pages of unprovisioned features,
  3. Show non-maintainers the set of active features (enabled) and inactive features (disabled).

It must not:

  1. Provide configuration links to users without the necessary permission.
  2. Kill bunnies.




Product index page with one involvement portlet
This mock-up is the one I am proposing. It has a single involvement portlet with application actions followed by configuration status and links. The application actions are shown enabled for those that are provisioned and disabled for the ones that are not. The individual links are conditionally enabled based on the user's permissions.

Note the download portlet has been moved further down on the page to accommodate a higher visibility for the involvement portlet. A vigorous bike shedding argument could be made for relative placement for these two portlets I feel presenting the involvement portlet first makes sense since its size is bounded whereas the download portlet can grow quite large. With this layout both portlets will be visible on the initial page load of a reasonably sized browser.
Product index page with one involvement portlet

Product index page with separate setup portlet
This mock-up explored the idea of splitting out the configuration bits into a separate portlet that is only shown to users with edit permission.
Product index page with separate setup portlet


How will we know when we are done?

How will we measure how well we have done?


Put everything else here. Better out than in.

LEP/ProjectConfiguration (last edited 2010-07-02 11:41:53 by bac)