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Revision 2 as of 2010-08-05 17:26:48

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Source Package Recipe Builds

Build source packages from bzr-builder recipes, optionally on a daily basis.

As an upstream maintainer
I want to be able to build packages of my code using pre-existing packaging
So that users can try out the latest tip without installing from source.

This is not the elimination of sourcepackages as a step towards generating binary packages as proposed in No More Source Packages. Instead, it attempts to make that step trivial for many authors who otherwise wouldn't publish binaries.


Why are we doing this now?
Our focus on "bridging the gap".

What value does this give our users? Which users?
It makes it easier for our upstreams to provide daily builds of tip for Ubuntu.

It should increase the availability of up-to-date binaries of upstream for Ubuntu users, to improve testing and provide early access to new features.


Some of these stakeholders only have an interest in ensuring the build farm is reliable even with this new feature.

Constraints and Requirements


Nice to have

Must not



as recipe base branches.]]


I think getting a timely build done is a must.