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Revision 12 as of 2009-08-11 22:24:49

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As mentioned on Getting, Launchpad is not currently supported on Ubuntu Karmic Koala, primarily because it currently has a hard dependency on Python 2.4, which is no longer included in Karmic.

This page is a place to collect notes written for and by people living on the bleeding edge and attempting to get Launchpad working on Karmic / Python 2.5.

The ultimate goal is to migrate Launchpad to Python 2.6. Rather than go straight to Python 2.6, I (maxb) am focusing on Python 2.5 first as a stepping stone.


First, there is the issue that the ~launchpad PPA doesn't have any packages for Karmic. I (maxb) have tweaked the launchpad-dependencies package to have a first approximation of suitable dependencies for Python 2.5, and uploaded it to my PPA for Launchpad-related packages, and copied the geoip-data-city-lite package from the ~launchpad PPA there as well for convenience.

Launchpad code itself contains a few fixes:

Launchpad source dependencies - Zope contains backports of some changes to zope.proxy and in post-3.4 Zope releases which are required for Python 2.5 compatibility (possibly only on 64-bit architectures). Without these, Launchpad produces perplexing MemoryErrors. It also contains a patch to zope.sendmail working around a change in the ordering of atexit vs. waiting for non-main non-daemon threads to shut down which otherwise caused various Python processes to hang on shutdown.

Launchpad source dependencies - Twisted

I used to have a Twisted branch mentioned here. It's now obsoleted by the above patch to zope.sendmail.

Test Status

Many test problems relating to uncollectable garbage including LayerIsolationErrors.

... but Karmic has Python 2.4 still ...

Yes it does. But many of the required Python modules are no longer packaged for Python 2.4 in Karmic. However.... since the current official LP python version is 2.4, there is still a need for Karmic users to run Launchpad under Python 2.4 to test their changes. A chroot is one possibility, but I find that to be painful. Therefore, I am preparing suitable rebuilt Python module packages in my PPA as referenced above - currently they do not cover the entire set of launchpad-dependencies, but do seem to be enough to "make build schema run". More to follow.