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Revision 2 as of 2009-07-28 13:14:12

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As mentioned on Getting, Launchpad is not currently supported on Ubuntu Karmic Koala, primarily because it currently has a hard dependency on Python 2.4, which is no longer included in Karmic.

This page is a place to collect notes written for and by people living on the bleeding edge and attempting to get Launchpad working on Karmic / Python 2.5


First, there is the issue that the ~launchpad PPA doesn't have any packages for Karmic. I (maxb) have tweaked the launchpad-dependencies package to have a first approximation of suitable dependencies for Python 2.5, and uploaded it to my PPA, and copied the geoip-data-city-lite package from the ~launchpad PPA there as well for convenience.

Launchpad code itself contains a few fixes:

Launchpad source dependencies - Zope contains backports of some changes to zope.proxy and in post-3.4 Zope releases which are required for Python 2.5 compatibility (possibly only on 64-bit architectures). Without these, Launchpad produces perplexing MemoryErrors.

Known Problems